The Word of God in Romania 2010.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the B | Page 3
and of the saints, for the heaven joined the earth in your time with the Lord on earth and my
Son is invisible and clothed with the angelic hosts into your midst speaking over the earth and
the Lord has made you His messenger to the people and the people come to you to take from
your table with the Lord, and like the Bridegroom coming out of his chamber, the Lord comes
out from your midst to the people and He calls out from the door of your tent so that the people
may hear Him, so that they may come, take, understand and then become God’s sons by the
heard word and by faith and love, for love heals the man from sin and brings mercy to him and
then forgiveness and resurrection.
Oh, Son, Emmanuel, the child put by the Father as seed of the Holy Spirit in my virgin
womb to grow in it as a child to be born, a body made up of my flesh and blood by the power
of the Father Sabaoth! Oh, how much grace embraces a forgiven sinner and how much love
rules upon him after he tastes of Your grace, of Your truth, Lord! Oh, how much gratitude shows
You the one seized with Your mercy and forgiveness from You, from Your sanctifying grace!
How much patience, how much humility rules then upon the one who unites with You by for-
giveness and by love with the help of the spirit of repentance, such a sweet spirit in the one who
bears it!
He who grieves or gets cruel in times of trial or in time of rebuke, that one does not
know what love and its beneficial and sanctifying work are, and the lack of love among brothers
has to be healed, Lord, because the mystery of Your Gospel about the love among brothers is
great. Oh, where was the love between the two brothers, who separated when the father opened
up his fatherly arms to meet the prodigal son, a time that destroyed his body and soul? On the
day of his repentance, the heart of the son who remained near his father hardened and his love
of brother was put to test, because he thought that his father did injustice to him and thus he
hardened his heart and his face fell, and here it is how the heart of the man works, when he
sees how it is given the reward that he thinks he has the right to it. Oh, love is not like that; it
does not do such things! It is not that which receives, but it is that which gives and it is given,
and how the father with the two of his sons was supposed to be when the love, the mercy and
the forgiveness of his heart were put to test on the day when the son who remained home re-
belled because of the forgiveness of his brother?
Oh, how badly Israel treated You, oh, my Son, when You came to it bearing the burden
of all the sinners and lost people, child born of my virgin body and then put on the cross by
those who did not receive You to forgive the burden of their sins! Oh, they were afraid of You
that you would take their right of inheritance and they showed their wickedness and their heart
burdened with greed and sins, and then they have been afraid all the time, from then and up to
this time, so that another people, which You have elected from among the nations of the world
to show Your mercy on it, may take their place, and thus they have been struggling all the time
for precedence among nations and even today Israel is ruthless and hard in its heart and work;
however, You have a mysterious word and You perfect Yourself by it over the earth and You
give birth and grow a new people, a new Israel, an invincible kingdom, the kingdom of the
heavens with the people, the Christian people full of the spirit and body of holiness, Lord, a
nation newly-born of Your new word and to whom You put Your new name on its head: the
Word of God, Your word of today, which gives birth to a new people (See the selection topic:
„Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.) and which You will be to feed with
the food of the angels, and not anyone is supposed to preach Your great work of Your word,
because not anyone speaks this word to be given to the people, but only by those whom You call
and teach and then You send them to become an example of Your kingdom among people, for
You cannot be born otherwise in people. Oh, let the bad man not set down to take Your word to