The Word of God in Romania 2010.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the B | Page 2
as well with your childhood, with your holiness, with your love, with your faith, with your
life at the temple of prayer, mother, with My birth from you, oh, My mother Virgin and
forever Virgin. (See: The Gospel of James 3 – The story about the birth of the Most Blessed
Mother of God and forever Virgin, r.n.). And from you and up to this day many Scriptures have
been written, mother, and many places, many people, and many heavenly works upon people
have been blessed, and many saints for heaven have raised from among the people and multi-
plied the number of My church and their life was written in the Scriptures of the time, for each
one of them has become My church to dwell in it, I and My angels and My saints, I and you,
mother, We and the Father, oh, Mother Virgin, church of God’s sons and yours!
The Father has sent Me to you as seed from heaven in you to grow it into your virgin
body and to be born of you a little baby, and I was made of your body and blood, mother, and
your mystery with Me and My mystery with you on earth and in heaven are great, but the man
is not wise enough to reach down with it and to understand those from above by the humility
of his spirit, mother, and man does not know the heaven on earth, and the heaven above does
not know him either, for he eats only bread, poor of him and he does not know of the angelic
food, of the word that comes out of My mouth, of every word that comes from God to feed
the people with it as the angels and the saints eat of it, mother.
Oh, what a table, mother, what a praised table, with all the saints and angels at it in the
time when I speak and set the table of word here on earth, into the midst of My people! Only
those who are wise believe and understand My word, and those who work the lawlessness do
not understand mother; they do not understand anything and keep on minding their own food,
that is lawlessness, mother; however, it is written into the Scriptures that many will search
My book of today and will thoroughly look into it, and only those who are wise will un-
derstand it, (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.)
and those that work lawlessness will not understand anything, and it happens with them what
Isaiah prophesied when he said: «For if you give to them to read they say that they are not
learned or that they do not understand or that it is sealed». (See Is. 29/11) And this is how
they remain what they are, blind to God and unfaithful, and this is how they finish their journey
on earth, mother.
However, now We have become word of feast and put it on the table of your day as
food, My mother, for it is angelic food, and the heaven and the earth together take of the table
of My coming on earth as word again sent from the Father to man, mother. Amen.
‒ Oh, what a sweet time with You into the midst of the people of Your word made up of
Your sweet word and fed in this way and what a bad time is beyond these boundaries, Son Lord!
Oh, what will do the one who was clothed and put within this mystery, and then he got bored
with it and looked for it outside, Lord Son? Oh, what did he really look for? Silence or peace?
Justice or rest? Oh, woe to those who have not complied with the burden of Your coming, with
this great mystery and borne with fear and great obedience of saints and angels, so wonderful
from heaven to earth, wanted for seven thousand years to come and to be, and borne by the
angels to work it for the living and for the dead between heaven and earth!
Oh, people born of the word of my Son, Jesus Christ, see how you stay, always search
out your conduct face to face with this great mystery, which gave you birth to be God’s taber-
nacle on earth during these days. You should always, always take and eat the food of the angels