The Word of God in Romania 2009.02.08 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the | Page 3

2009.02.08. then with true faith! Get seated in faith and then in prayer and fasting, fulfilling the com- mandments of life with love! I, the Lord, protect you from the hour of temptation that is to come to test all people if you bring your hearts before Me, and your perseverance in watching with Me for your life with God. Leave off the pleasures for they are deceitful! Give up the lying teaching, for only God will be true on earth, and you will see this! Oh, give up all your sins, for they work death in man! Get rid of the sin and live in holiness, for without holiness no one will see the salvation that comes from Me, as this is written! Oh, it is the time to watch together with Me, the Lamb of the Father, to overcome the lie together with those who are lovers of God and to have victory over the satanic work on earth. Stop sinning so that you may be able to help God for your salvation! Keep a holy fasting, not only fasting from food! Fast from sins and put away your unbelief, for the time is with unbelief in it, and the unfaithful people make it to be and that is why it is. Instead of being afraid of the satanic work, which tries to put its mark on your body, secretly worked out in such a way that you may not be able to perceive it when it comes to you, oh, keep a holy fasting and watch with prayer in your voice and sigh after God, so that He may come to protect you from the hour of temptation, for you are weak. Take an example of My word of two thousand years ago, spoken over the people of Israel, for this is what I said then: «Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and everyone who hum- bles himself will be exalted». Amen. (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.) Oh, you cannot overcome the hour of temptation without God! Arm yourselves, there- fore, with God, and do not forget about the sign of the holy cross; make the sign of it on your forehead and all over your body with three fingers close together, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, so that satan’s work may not have any effect on you! Be careful with your hand to make the sign of the holy cross, and make a cross upon you with your hand, and make it a great deal and make this sign all the time, for satan has great power among those who are baptized but who do no longer make the sign of the cross over their body and over all their things by the three fingers of the right hand closed together, confessing God, glorified and worshipped into the Trinity by your hand and praising Him within your heart forever! (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) Light candles with oil into your houses (Candle - vigil lamp, r.n.) and become chrism bearers, soak it into your candles always burning, put a mark on your body and walk with the sign of the holy cross, and look for oil not passed through fire, for the fire must not touch the oil, but the oil has to touch the fire instead through the snuff which gets its burning from it, its light for the house of My Christians, (Normally in the lamp is used only pure oil, cold pressed oil – „untdelemn” in Romanian, not refined, not pass through the fire, light of the candle represents wisdom born of love for God proved by fulfilling the word, as the flame of the oil lamp is born, r.n.) because the candle lighted by a slip, written on it with the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, serves on behalf of the Lord over those who are faithful and holy, who wait for the Lord as their salvation. This is how you are to watch with Me, the Lamb of the Father, in time of trial, and this how we are to be victorious. Amen. Set a holy fast upon you, fast from sins and fleeting pleasures and very much deceiving, and then set upon you a fast from food and fast for three days in a row: Monday, for the protecting angel, and Wednesday and Friday for Me, so that I may have disciples on earth, for this kind of the devils in these days cannot be overcome but only as I overcame them, with holy fast and holy prayer, with a life full of the Holy Spirit in it and over it. Oh, come back to the Christian garment, put away all the temporary ornaments and dress up with propriety within your spirit and body, loving and feeding with My entire word and getting 3