The Word of God in Romania 2009.02.08 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the | Page 2

2009.02.08. Pharisee, because with the Lord the man is different than as he lives on earth, for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted and this is how justice is with God for man. Oh, My people, I have strengthened My descent to you and I have worked this through angels, for the heavenly powers serve Me the fulfillment of the Scriptures, and it is written in the Scriptures for Me to come and to rule over the nations with an iron rod and it is also written that My name is called the Word of God, (Apoc. 19/13.), and that is why I have been deliv- ering My word into your midst, turning My name into deed over the earth and speaking into your midst and giving Myself to the sides for those who take Me from you and are nourished with My comfort, and blessed are those who bow to take in order to become wise through My spring upon you! The haughty man does not love My wonder upon you and also the haughty man speaks evil of you, My people. Because of My word upon you, the man who exalts himself before Me and yours speaks evil of you. However, you should be good, son, and stay under My mantel, stay within the Lord your God, Who feeds you with a spirit of life giving, for the time on earth is as in the end, and it is as the man has made it against himself, because the man without God does the work of the devil on earth, and the devil is My adversary and his time is coming to an end, for the time has been coming close, and he has been trying to strengthen himself by his last powers that are against Me. However, I am the little Lamb of the Father and I will overcome the devil and all his angels and we will set on earth the song of victory, as it is written, for I will judge the immorality on earth and its entire body and I will avenge the blood of the saints, and there will be My wedding with My bride prepared to Me and with all those who are blessed, (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) for it is written: «Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding of the Lamb, and these are God’s true words», because I am called the Faithful and True One, and My name is called the Word of God, the King of the kings and the Lord of the lords, and those who think they are the kings of the earth and who try to wage war with Me, will be overcome together with their life and will be thrown into the lake of fire, where brimstone burns, as it is written, for My word is a sword which comes out of My mouth to do justice to My saints. Amen. Oh, My people, watch, and watch with Me for victory is needed, son! Give the Holy Spirit the Comforter to your soul to be diligent within these days, for you need to bring up prayers before God for all those that are oppressed on earth. Oh, remember the weakness of My disciples whom I asked to watch together with Me when I prayed to the Father in the garden of Gethsemane, and they could not stay awake because they were tired of sadness. I left them and prayed in tears to the Father and then I came back again to wake them up, for they were sleeping and I told them: «What couldn’t watch with Me for one hour. Watch and pray that you don’t enter into temptation. The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak». (Matt. 26:40, 41) Oh, pray, My people, for you and for all those that are oppressed on earth, for I have also prayed to My Father for the comfort of those who are oppressed from all the evil things that are done into their midst. My angels go with Me and put a mark those who are oppressed, for it is written to be so and to protect those who are Mine, but behold, I come and teach them from My mouth and I speak this way to them: You those who want to learn from God your salvation from the hour of temptation, which is to come on earth to test all people, oh, fill your hearts with the love of God and 2