The Word of God in Romania 2008.12.25 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 3
you rejoice immediately over the hearing of His word and then only to wither away and stumble
in time of trial. If your destiny keeps you among thorns, see that the worries of life may not
make you bow and the word of the Lord and then His greatness to become unfruitful in you.
Seek to fulfill in you the Lord, the Sower, and the fruit of His seed. Oh, do not let yourself be
put down by those on earth, which can choke your care for the love from above! I was a great
bishop in grace, but I did not make the Lord weak in me in the time when I was taking care of
everything that had to be worked so that the Lord’s church could be taken care of. The Lord
was wonderful in me and He worked signs and miracles through me likewise over those who
doubted of His godliness. Oh, how beautifully my faith confessed God, the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit! Oh, how beautiful the Lord is in the saints on earth, where His love is long
enduring and full of goodness! It does not know about envy, vainglory, haughtiness, because it
does not seek after its own benefits, and that is why it does not get angry or takes evil into
consideration, but with great propriety it rejoices over the truth and not over injustice, and it
is patient, it believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things, and that is why it does
not fail. Amen. I lead you through my seed sowed upon you. Amen.
Oh, sons, make another little book and take out on it the work of love, well sons. Man is
clay like any other things that he has worked, but if he works the book of the love, he becomes
its palace; man becomes God’s palace on earth if he does not lose his love. Oh, let each other
know the straining of your soul and work everything as for the Lord and then as for you, and
you will be the fruit of love, and the Lord will shine on earth more and more powerfully with
His kingdom in you and among you. Peace to you! The world celebrates as it knows the Christ-
mas, that which is fallen from its place among feasts 3 , but you should celebrate my feast of
ascending to heaven from earth. Oh, set me as an intercessor between you and God, for the
saints stay quietly and only if they are asked for help do they work the Lord’s things for those
who rely on the Lord and His saints in everything they achieve in the Lord with love, sons.
However, You, Lord, as You were, You are today and tomorrow too, wonderful, won-
derful in Your saints and among them with Your glory. Amen. Oh, give Your people the virtue
of love! It makes him enduring as it is and it makes him wonderful when You are wonderful in
the saints, oh, Lord, and let him love in this way in order to be, oh, Lord, and let him always,
always stay in this way before You. Amen, amen, amen.
– This is how you are to be My people, as My saints ordain for you to be before Me!
Oh, My teaching and that of My archbishop Spyridon have been sweet in this day, only that it
may stick, for sweetness sticks to sweetness. Amen.
Peace to the Romanian people! Furthermore, I will always speak peace over it, for I
want to become the wonderful One into its midst. My love is long enduring and full of goodness
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic
canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the
times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title
given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Grego-
rian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At
that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar,
( which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period
up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other
confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times
and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.