The Word of God in Romania 2008.12.25 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 2
you stand for a while, and when the trial comes then you stumble, and if you are sowed among
thorns, they choke you, and My seed sown upon remains without any fruit, and behold, there is
not unbelief, but it is rather something else; it is that which is written in the parable of the sower
who comes to sow his seed and only those who are sowed on good ground are those who listen
to the word, fulfill it and give fruit. Amen.
My bishop Spyridon becomes a confessor on My right side, for this day is his day of
celebration among saints, the day when he came from earth to heaven, a servant among saints
both for the faithful ones and for the unfaithful who ask for signs to see, but those who want
this become even more stiff-necked and even greater crucifiers for those who sow God’s word
over them to the repentance of the sinful man.
Come, come great bishop, come and become a sower and may your coming down from
heaven on earth be blessed, for those who are sowed on good ground are those who listen to the
word, receive it and give fruit; one thirty, on sixty and another a hundred, as My mouth proph-
esied two thousand years ago when I was teaching the man about the faith and its gifts, which
gives forth in those who are faithful by My word sowed on them. Amen, amen, amen.
– Come, great Lord, come to sow the seed of Your word, for its fulfillments are myste-
rious for those outside, for whom everything is done in parables, that seeing they may not see
and hearing they may not hear with their ears lest they may get up and come to You to forgive
their sins and heal them from their sins. Oh, what kind of fulfillments could those in the time of
my testimony on earth see and understand, when You and I made great signs among those
gathered at the Synod bishops for the destiny of the faith of the church, Lord? Oh, what miracles
can they see now, those who look with their eyes and do not see, or those who hearing do not
hear in order to come to You to heal them? The miracle would be the man’s resurrection from
his sin, for man is taken out of dust, poor of him, and he does not understand the mysteries of
the kingdom of the heavens if everything he does is clay, is dust. Oh, if You spoke through the
Scriptures and by Your Spirit that You would come and shepherd all the nations with an iron
rod, and if this is not fulfilled upon man, then You are not a fulfiller, or is the man, he who not
receives You as Shepherd on him? Oh, if the man worked heaven on earth, then he would see
Your great fulfillment with man, for You told the sons of Your church to say: «May Your will
be done in heaven as on earth, Lord», and if the man does not work on earth as in heaven,
what does the man want to see in order to believe? And I tell the man this:
What do you want man, to see and not believe? Oh, in order for you not to believe, you
do not need to see, and you commit this sin of unbelief without seeing something in order to do
it, but why would you need something to see in order to believe? Oh, if you are not good soil,
then this is the guilt, why you do not receive God’s word in you, the word of your making from
the mouth of the sower, who sows his seed upon you. Oh, there is no need for visible fulfillments
as on earth, the fulfillments for those that would be to believe, but a heart full of God’s fear is
needed instead and then love for God so that you may listen to the Lord’s word, to receive it
and to be fruitful with it. Oh, do not forget the Lord, Who said that the kingdom of the heavens
was not coming in a visible way, because it is not of this world but it comes mysteriously and
dwells inside the man and it makes the man its palace, which the unfaithful people, because of
their wicked deeds, do not look at and do not understand God’s kingdom in man.
Oh, people nourished by the Lord in His way with you! Oh, do not let satan come into
your heart and take the word sowed into it! Oh, seek to ask from the Lord to have a root, lest