The Word of God in Romania 2008.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 5
yourself within God and stay like that, clothed, until your way will be relieved, according to
your faith, which has to teach you the life with self-denial and from what the man loves, for it
is written: «He who does not hate father and mother, brothers and spouse, children and rel-
atives and all his passing possessions, My kingdom cannot work upon him». (See Matt. 10:37)
I am giving you now power in love, for the love with power in it keeps you away from your
departure from Me. Peace to you! Be good! Peace to you! Let the hope and the faith and the
love for everything be great between the pillars of support from all sides, by the mystery of the
Holy Spirit, Who can work by those who are faithful. Amen.
Let fire come down from heaven over all the rebellion aimed against the path of
My word, which speaks from the earth. Let all the evil be removed from My way and from
the way of My people, who believes in My coming to it. Amen. Elijah, My prophet, is speak-
ing to you:
– There are many who did not bow their knees before Baal, and those, at the Lord’s
voice and commandments will be the sons of this word, soon, soon, for the more the opposition
against the Lord’s word arises with a spirit of rebellion, the more the faith in people grows the
fire of the Holy Spirit, which the Lord has thrown on the earth in your days and which is being
kindled again and again, and it does not go out, but it is rather kindled over and over again.
Amen. Be full of mercy; be full of the spirit of humility, as I was before the Lord, but not before
the man who is hostile to God. Amen.
I would like to speak to Your people, Lord, but can those in the gates keep us?
– Oh, great prophet, we will try to make them able to do, and now let us give them so
that they may go to those who have come to the spring, but let us give them power to work upon
them, for those who have come, have come with longing and fire, and then we will strengthen
them in the word and they will do good with it. Amen.
Now, My people, let us stay and comfort those who have come to the spring. Let us give
them what they need. Amen. And as for you, children from the gates, take courage for the holy
work, for it is not you, but I am He Who works, I, sons. Let your humility stay before Me, but
not before the man who makes you weak, for the man humiliates Me for himself so that I may
not work with My plan from the Father brought with Me to fulfill on the earth. I suffer, I suffer
from those who despise you; it makes Me suffer that My word has no effect on them. I suffer
and I cry with you and with the saints and I have no comfort but with you and from the saints
and from those who cry with you from My pain and not from theirs. Take care of the people,
sons, as much as I have required of you, for I want to crush the reward for doubt, the reward
that wants to come upon those who try to defile and to put out My torch over the earth with
their mouth, My word with which I speak to make with it the heaven and the earth as in the
beginning, for I have to make them again since all the old things pass away with a great noise
so that it may be everything new, sons, as it is written.
Peace over the feast of today in heaven and on earth with you. When you give holy
powers to those who seek after Me with you your powers increase and no one, no one will be
able to overcome My coming of today and My work with you, no one, sons. I, the Lord, am
speaking this prophetic word, for I have come to throw fire on the earth and it is kindled over
and over again, sons. Amen.