The Word of God in Romania 2008.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the s | Page 4
you and love with power, love for Me and not for you, love with a spirit loving of people,
but love the people and do not love yourselves, and strengthen the people to believe in God
and in God’s works on the earth and in them. Be the sons of holy faith and seek after the
realm for the love for God, removing from you all the obstacles, for the smallest obstacle stays
with its mouth wide open ready to catch you within temptation, but I, the Lord, ask you with
mercy, not to despair in trials, no, sons, no. I am He Who can take My boat ashore for the man’s
salvation, only for the man to become humble. Amen.
I have a burning fire in My Spirit for a little soul from the other end of the earth, a son
of the Romanian nation, which fights far away; he fights for the way of My word of today over
him, for he lives there, far away, with much food of My word, but he is under constraint from
all sides because of the oppositions on his way with Me. I see his little soul burning with the
fire, which I have thrown now on the earth to be kindled and I tell him: Do not be afraid, little
worm! You are in the midst of the waters 4 , but I am with you and I am resting with love in your
faith full of your heart, the faith needs the man’s heart, not his mind. You are endowed with
the wisdom for the man’s mind on the earth, but for the faith you gave Me your heart and not
your mind, and behold, you are an example of My life in man, for I do not stumble against
man’s sin, but I glorify Myself in it and then over the earth by his faith, as it is written in the
Scriptures about the work of the faith. I come to you, as far as you are from My country of
today, and which you have with you with all My miracle in it, and I, the Lord, come and support
you, in the time of trial, which tries to catch you under it and which tries to defile you, but more
than this it tries to make you despair for your dwelling near Me further. Oh, do not be afraid.
Get up and live in Me and become strong by My word, which makes the man’s way free to Me
when He desires for Me most. I comfort you little and painful heart under the goad of temptation
and I strengthen you on the way and I give you light. Take My power in you, for I am the light
of the world. Do not separate yourself from your speaking with the one who set you on My
way. Kindle the fire of your heart, and do not depart from Me, not even for the sin which haunts
you with enmity because it sees you full of the ray of My word and which warms up in man his
love of God. Behold how I stay near you and I strike the evil, which fights against you! Open
your eyes and see and do not despair, for there is no sin to overcome My goodness for the one
who burns after Me in his little heart and after those who are My people to the spring. Clothe
has been physically altered or was born so. The term „eunuch” here is applied to some people who do not marry
and do not have the comfort of a wife for the sake of God’s kingdom. Those who decide to live a celibate life for
the sake of God’s work are those who want to dedicate all their energy and time to His service and for the kingdom
of God, by freely restraining themselves from the fleshly lusts though being tempted within their lives by these.
Jesus was not married.
Likewise, some women prefer to remain single to give their total attention to the church. An example of a
woman that dedicated herself to God would be Anna, in the temple, at the time of the birth of Jesus (Luke: 2/36),
who was a wife for seven years. If we assume she got married at the age of 18 and became single at the age of 25.
She was 84 years old at the time of Jesus’ birth. Thus if the assumption is correct, she would have lived for service
to God for 59 years serving Him in the temple, without the comfort of a husband. Another example would be
Jephthah’s daughter (Judges: 11/29-40). She lived her entire life, single, due to her father’s promise to God.
In the same way, the term „eunuch,” with the sense of abstinence, could be extended in a marriage life.
There are husbands and wives, who may have a life of a eunuch by their own consent within their marriage so
called „white marriage”; they live as brothers and sisters with their spouses for the kingdom of God. Their style of
eunuch life for the kingdom of God is mainly based on the word that Jesus said in Matt: 19/29 and on the exhor-
tation of Paul in 1 Cor: 7/1.
To sum up all these different situations, to live a life as a eunuch „for the kingdom of heaven’s sake”, is to
advance the cause of God as a lifestyle, without the hindrances of a family, r.n.
«The angel said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes,
nations, and languages». Apoc. 17:15, r.n.