The Word of God in Romania 2008.01.08 - The Word of God at the Synod of the L | Page 4

2008.01.08. mind, the work passed through the sieve to remain in the sieve only the godly things, as my mind worked them and only them, Lord born on earth for man. Oh people carried on the arms of the mercy of my Son, Jesus Christ! Take great care to value the Lord’s gift into your midst, for the old Israel did not appreciate it and then perished if it did not appreciate it. Take care to appreciate those from God so that this gift may be given to you, the gift of the clean heart, which helps the mind to be God’s dwelling place and not yours, if you belong to God. Be content with what you have when you start to bear from God, and this is a great wisdom, great and unspoiled measure, for those without any measure from God spoil the man, and they make the man fall. I tell you this from the example of my life, for after the Lord announced me by the angel about the One, Who cannot be contained, that He would dwell in me to be born as a Child and to grow into a perfect man and to be Master of everything, a visible Master, I became little, very little, and this was the way I lived all my time on earth before any creature and before any man, small or great, and this is how I proved myself that I was God’s dwelling place, the Lord dwelling among men, the great One by His humility. Oh, look at those who guide you, little and tiny people. They are great by their hu- mility, and which many do not see, because it is the working one, not that which is understood by man to be humility. God rests over them because of their humility, and it is painful in heaven over all the heavenly armies that God cannot find humble vessels among people, humble hearts like God in order that He may make them into His path to the people, a stairway from God to man, and from man to God, for God descends and ascends, ascends and descends on the stair- way for man, son, on the stairway of the humility of man’s heart prepared by God for the humility in it, humility before God, not before men, and which becomes God’s dwelling place among people and for the people, just as God also made Me His dwelling place for my humility. The mystery of the clean heart has a visible work, son, as the mystery of the unclean heart has, and if you, who are God’s people, do not learn the mystery of the clean heart, then you work something else within you, and you can make wounds to God if you do not learn the faith in God and its work then before God. The one who is faithful to God takes from God and works like God and not like man for the life of the people. The one who is not faithful to God takes from the devil and works like the devil for the men’s death, son, as you know that the parable of the adder is, which got up with the work of the devil and got into the bear’s way and told him that the deer wanted to kill him so that he might be the king over the world of the animals, and in this way the adder got into the bear’s heart the death hatred against the deer and the bear got up to kill the deer, because of the adder’s words. However, the adder rushed to the deer to tell him that the bear comes to kill him, because he heard that the deer wanted to be king, because he had got the crown built by God on his head, and when the bear came to the deer to kill him, the deer bowed before down him to give him honeycomb as to such a king that he was, and then the bear calmed down and found out from the deer that by no means did he crave after the throne of the animals’ kingdom. Oh, behold what kind of work does the unfaith- ful one work, the one who is discontent, to whom the devil comes and gives him according to the work of his heart, for the devil has a big hook over the discontented man. This parable, which shows the face and the works of the devil and of death in man, has to be understood for the wisdom of the mind and then for the cleanness among brothers, for the wisdom from God comes only over the clean hearts and which shows their work and their God, the God Who overcomes death in man with its entire darkness, and the Lord pours out all these lessons of life upon you by the humility of the hearts of those who exhort you to God’s life in you, people of God’s Son, born from God in my virgin body and then in it among people. Oh, learn your dwelling in God’s kingdom and learn about the dwelling of God’s kingdom and of its light in you, for it has an illuminated face and it works likewise in you then when you are born of God, 4