The Word of God in Romania 2008.01.08 - The Word of God at the Synod of the L | Page 3

2008.01.08. son of My people, do not take what does not belong to you or what do you not work to have. If you want to have then build so that you may have, and if you do not build, then be content with what you have from Me. Oh, do not be discontent for I am the King of the creature and I have given Myself as an example of humility and patience, and these are love, love with pro- priety in Me before you. Oh, do not behave like man, as the people behave between man and man, but treat the man as I treat him, because if you do not work this way, you are not My born one, you are not born of God like Abraham, but you are born of the manly seed and you work like that. Oh, here it is how I teach you the birth. I teach you the birth from Me, as I give to work to those set by Me before you for your making from heaven on earth, for I work through the gates for you, son, as I worked through Abraham, through Moses, through David, by whose mouth My mouth was speaking, prophesying, establishing and working, for My testimony is the spirit of prophesying, and seek to understand why I have started to press My finger on this word again and again, for I want you to know Me when I work into your midst with My working Spirit by the spirit of prophesy. Oh, I want to teach you the wisdom of birth and your fulfillment by all My works upon you, and their fulfillments through you, the one faithful to them, if you work by faith like that of Abraham, who did not question, who did not doubt and who was praised from earth to heaven, from those that are seen to the mysterious ones of them from which they proceed. Oh, you are tiny, My people, so little for the wisdom of the mysteries, but My teaching upon you is understood by the natural wise people when they hear it from My mouth that is speaking above you, and behold, the natural wisdom helps the faith, as it helped Abraham. I have exhorted you to be smart, My people, to be able to understand and to believe Me by all that I bring upon you. If I, the Lord, have unsealed My spring for you, My mouth, which be- comes word upon you, then stay well, stay with fear and be attentive, because if you get used to your business, with those things in your life and that is all, then you cannot stay within My counsel, at My mouth, to take and to understand from God. I would like you so much to be able to please Me by everything you are, but My pleasure is not according to man’s pleasure so that I may rejoice in this way from man, but the man has to learn which My pleasure is, and then to become the work of My waiting, for I long to love him in this way, to have something to take from man after he becomes My pleasure, as My Virgin mother did, the greatest soul on earth, the most beautiful, the most pleased to God, God’s rest on earth, My people. Amen, amen, amen. – Oh, my sweet fruit, fruit of my womb after my heart conceived You within it! You are the fruit of the Father and You are my fruit, the fruit of my soul, dear to God, the fruit of my soul, giving rest to You, Lord born on earth from my soul, giving rest to God, for only in this way You are able to dwell with Your rest in man! Oh, how beautiful, how full of word and grace, how great the mystery of the word in this day and its wisdom are, but Your people is small, very little, Lord son, and You seek to make him like Abraham and to be able to fulfill Your mysterious kingdom through him on earth with the people, the heaven on earth, as in heaven so on earth in the midst of the kings who reign over nations and rule upon them. Oh, what a beautiful spirit You put in those from the gates when You come to give it as exhortation over Your people! We stay and listen to the spirit of the new making over Your people, for You have room in its midst with Your wisdom, which tells the evil to get out as a stranger and the beauty of Your life to be able to get in man, the cleanness of the heart in sons, the understanding of the clean and healthy mind, Lord, for the man has to cleanse his mind, to sieve it out through a fine sieve, so that the man may work then only those that are Your whole things, only those that You need in man and not the man’s, and then the man’s heart receive in it the rest of his 3