The Word of God in Romania 2008.01.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 3

2008.01.07. Oh, children in want but victorious by My greatness upon you! I have not come to judge the world, and if I judge it by the word because of its works without God between earth and heaven, then I want to exhort it to repentance and resurrection, sons. Blessed are those who receive you with My word to man! Blessed are those who listen to you with love and glory, for this glory is the fulfilling by obedience to My word, by which I pass today to man, relying on you. I take care more and more to speak a little bit to you so that I may not stir up the wickedness towards you, the work of strife, the one born two thousand years ago near the man- ger, in which I came on earth as a child born of the Virgin. However, behold, I speak to you all the time, but mysteriously so that I may not be heard and I do it to strengthen you and to give you work to do for Me. Work for Me, sons! Even if you are in want, work for Me, well sons! Listen to Me to be My children, as I have made you My children and you are My children-sons by obedience. Moreover, let My small people not forget that you are My word in its midst, the Word of God. And let it not be hard for him to believe this mystery, let it not be hard for My people but rather let My people of today be faithful to Me. Let My people listen to you and to Me, and let it take from you and from Me, for you have, not yours but My things for him, because I am the One in you, and he who does not take My word in this way, that one narrows My way and makes you work as much as the man does. However, I exhort you to take care of those who love Me strengthening you for Me, for those who love you this way, love Me and not you. Endure with love all the hardships that are upon you and seek after the comfort in pains from those who cry with you, from those who are not afraid of pains. I am the mysterious One. In addition, you should be the same into the midst of My people. This is how we will work until the fields are ploughed for a new fallow soil, for a new seed, for the new sowing that I reveal it to you by the spirit of prophecy, for the spirit of prophecy is My testimony, as it is written. Oh, do not stumble against man. I am the One Who set you to work for Me and not like man; from Me and not from man, sons. Oh, if I could work without any obstacles through you that what I have to work now, it would be seen the power of My victory over the darkness in the earth, which keeps the people in death, but we will be able to work that way, and we will be able to work soon, soon, for I have come to be the Victor, and the visible God, and there will flow rivers of tears from the eyes of those who could not see with them My mysteries hidden in My word upon you and in you, sighing sons and more and more pressured within the gates. Peace to you! It is very hard without peace in you. There is only sufferance in you. Peace to you in sufferance! Endure it strengthening one another, even if now it might be for you to work much and according to My will against man’s will. Oh, do still endure! Once with the time of endur- ance there comes the time of the mysterious time by endurance and its fruit comes, children sons, it comes. Amen. Oh, people of the birth from above, get used to listen to God. My birth in you is worked by obedience, for My mother listened with faith until I was born and then again until she gave Me to the Father by the patience under her sighing. Oh, mother Virgin, My mother Virgin, after We will have established the day of My birth We will speak with Our little people, mother, for the people needs to be grown up and exhorted for its growth and obedience of everything We advise it, mother. We come with the day of the birth of God the Word, We come on earth with this feast, mother. The children that make our coming into the book are tired with mourning. They wait, as We do, for My salvation from the man who keeps Me under a bushel, under the lack of working, mother. I have a sweet time in My arms to set it on earth and to establish peace over Our least people, mother. 3