The Word of God in Romania 2008.01.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 2
hardship for My coming down is great; it is greater and greater, My tiny people. Oh, you are
still little and tiny and I cannot grow you within those things from Me as much as I have to give
you, and behold, I come around you in sighing with My invisible angels to protect you and to
feed you somehow and to have you as My people. It is a time of hardship for Me to you, for
inside and outside of you the wind blows and stands against Me for your life, for the lack of
steadfastness of those who butt against My face today according to their will without God,
according to their lack of faith, stands in My way so that I may not shepherd you according to
the food that I have My food for you, sprinkled with My tears, which I shed for you in the bowls
in the hand of My angels that gather My pain, and from which I break little by little to show
you how much I have suffered. Behold, I sacrificed Myself not only on earth full sufferance
when I gave My body as a sacrifice for the man’s life. Today I am sacrificing Myself within
My spirit in heaven and on earth for your life, My little people from My bosom. Oh, I would
cuddle you more and more to My bosom to nourish you and to make you perfect for Me, but
My word can no longer come up to you as it is in Me, but it comes little, it comes small, and it
comes carefully in its speaking, for I have in My way unfaithful and unfulfilling people and
they do not let Me work in full power as I am able to, and they set limits to My speaking and
fulfilling and shake My coming and My way, and behold, I cry with those who cry, and I cry
being in hardship inside and outside of you, people born of My word of today. I cry within the
gates and the gates cry in Me, son. I cry in those, whom I trust for the word of My coming down
to you, and I cry with a mourning of birth and I have nowhere to be born perfectly. I do not find
a house for shelter, I do not find anyone to comfort those who bear My way from the Father to
man, but I rather find opposers and traitors, I find beatings and unfaith, I find judas and pilates,
who wash their hands away from My blood, and who give Me over to judgment before unbe-
lievers, and I also find desire of revenge in man. Oh, within such great pains I feed you in order
to give you birth always and that you may be My newborn little people. Oh, by such great
hardships I, the Son of God, the One full of power, Lord of powers in heaven and on earth,
come down and bow before the man not receiving of God, to be able to shepherd you without
climbing over the gates, and My gates are always beaten, always threatened by the works of
those who do not believe and by their mouths, for I have always told you that all are smashed
against the gates to weaken them and to throw down the fence of My seedling; however, I am
the One Who protects you, I am the One Who shepherds you, only for you to be faithful to My
coming down to you and faithful to the obedience, which I ask for your protection, My people.
Oh, children from the gates, I am born as word of mourning in a day of the feast of birth
children sons. Oh, if I can no longer support you, how am I supposed to comfort you in the
hardships where I always, always find you, in which I mysteriously comfort you, sons, I comfort
you with heavenly powers, I comfort you with the saints and with the angels, I comfort you
with the spirit of the holy patience, which I always, always give you, for My victory and its way
has become hard for Me. The man has been making My way to the people worse and worse,
but I dwell in you with My whole coming, with all its pain, which My people cannot bear. Oh,
bear it for Me, even if you are going to mourn without being comforted until the day when I
wake with terror all those who are standing against Me and against you now so that I may not
be able to work with the whole mystery of My work over the earth now. This word, by which
I pass you from the heavenly things into those from the earth, relying on you, is not a
sweet song or a mourning song, but it is rather My coming with the judgment by the word.
Amen. I come to judge the living and the dead by the word, for I told everybody two
thousand years ago: «It is not I, but My word that will judge you». Amen. (See the selection
topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.)