2006.11.21 .
Oh , learn to drink from Me and to be , and learn to make Me rest and do My will in you . Come near and drink to your benefit . Come and drink and take of My love and give away your love , for behold , there is no truth with the sons of the people and the devout one is not among them to call them and to stop them from their emptiness . Learn the way with obedience in it , but more than that learn the love of God in you , and by it you should also be able to work your likeness with Him . Amen . I came and I come , for I said : « I come soon !» For two thousand years I have been speaking : « I come soon !» And I came and I come , and the man does not see and does not hear , and he does not know My coming and My walking after him , for the man has been wandering away on his ways , and the devout man is not among people to call the man out to respond to My coming , to come to it , to My calling , for I come and I came , and I want to leave My road after man uncovered .
Oh , man , seek after My heart . It has the whole truth in it . Take from it and then let yourself be taken within it , for it is the place of those who love Me . One sits in it like God and not like man . Only those without wickedness come into My heart , and they become infants in it , and wherever they go , they go with their house and remain in it , and they live in My peace , in them and among them . Amen .
It is a great feast of angels in My citadel of new Jerusalem on the earth . The glory of those without body is very sweet , that which covers My body among you , children who have prepared the day of the celebration of the angels into the midst of My people . Now , let us teach My love to those who have walked with their steps to Me and to you , and then , by releasing them , let us seal with the heavenly word the new pavilion , worked for the work of disciples , and let us put My angel over it and let us give it a name , sons . The grace of the angels touches those who have gathered together , and all those who will take , it will give them grace and they will shine . Peace to you , for you are tired !
The three sons anointed , to set then by My Holy Spirit , the prayer of sealing with holiness of the new pavilion , and then I , the Lord , will set down in the book the word over this work , worked out of My plan , prophesied ahead of time to be . Amen .
Oh , people who have come together into the citadel of My word at the feast of the angels ! Go in peace ! I lead you off with My angels . If you long for the Lord , then work and come to the spring and take from it , for I , for those who long for Me , set a table of word and of making over the man . Go in peace now , and do not forget how many good things God wants to do for you . Amen , amen , amen .
* I am the angel of the Lord . He has told me to speak now . Amen .
The new pavilion for the work of the Lord ’ s disciples was sealed with my name . I will write and always confess the spiritual and heavenly work , which will ascent into heaven from this bedding , established and sealed now . Amen .
You have established for me , Lord , the work of the watchfulness and strength and that of the exhortation of the whisper from above and from beneath for the making of the sons after Your likeness through the disciples . May it be that You always breathe and always warm up with Your Spirit over those who work on Your behalf , and over those who are worked , who will