The Word of God in Romania 2006.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the s | Page 3

2006.11.21. We, those who left our body, look at the corruptibility that has set over the earth and over the man, and we wait for the Lord to open the man’s eyes and to see what he was to be and what he is now, and what he will be after the Lord will have spoken again with mercy and love the word for the beginning of the new creation of the world and will say: «Let there be light!» And it will be, and it will be again, and the man will see again, and he will see by it and will cry like the angels and like the saints, and he will give, by his humbled sigh, glory, honor and worship to God, for the Lord made the glory. Amen, amen, amen. – Behold the voice of the angels, and behold the voice of those who bow to resurrection and again, behold the voice of the Lord, clearing the sky and the earth and giving mercy and power to the whole creature, for the creature wait for its Lord. Wandering man, you should also wait for Him and learn from the Word Lord the way to know Him, for He walks after you to take you within Him. In the house of His Father there are many places, but He wants to prepare a place near Him and in Him for those who unite themselves with Him, for woe to those who will remain outside without the Lord! Oh, Lord, Your angel and his companion bring You comfort in submission for Your sweet Spirit, with Whom You have crowned the world of Your angels in this day. Peace to You! Peace to You! Peace to You! Amen, amen, amen. – You are My peace and My invisible glory, for you are without body, and you are and You cover Me so that the man, who is not like Me, may not see Me. Oh, let the man not say that no one among people see Me. My work is as mysterious and invisible as My glory is covered by the heavenly hosts. Oh, let the man not say that there is no one among people who has love. My love in man is as much unfathomable and not known as My glory, which is invis- ible to the man who is not comprised within it. You, those who have carried your steps to the day of My angels in My citadel on the earth, ask from Me to receive Me, ask from Me a new heart, a new spirit, a new body and a new power for My life in you, for My heart in you, for the man’s heart takes him on ways which are bitter for Me and for him, and it does not tell the man what it will be after them. I teach you again, and it is not hard for Me to teach you always to learn the work of love, for it is has not come to be in the man’s nature, and the man has to learn to bear it and to work its fruit within him, for it can do everything for the man’s salvation, and it does not let him fall aside from it. When you see that it has no face and work in you and among you, then take its book and work its work according to it, the work of love, the work of God in you. God’s love is not man’s love, it is not. The love is something else that the man knows that it is. Seek to walk in its way and to learn its work like it and not like you. One more hour and My glory will be revealed in the eyes of those who said that they love, and they will stand face to face with My glory, with the love from God, and the man will see his face in it and he will know what man means and what God means, and the man will bring up his prayer before Me like the prophet who opened himself to Me, saying to Me: «Save me, Lord, for the devout man was absent, and because of this, the truth has become less from the sons of the people, who, each one of them has spoken empty words to his neighbor, with cunning lips in their heart and with evil words in it, for when the bad people come to power over the crowds, the wrongdoers and their bad work multiply everywhere». 3