The Word of God in Romania 2006.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 3
life and to raise him from his falling. Everywhere many people are called Christians and where
You are not there by the man’s spirit of humility, they stay under You name, but they do not seek
Your face in them, since they show partiality to one another for their stature in them. However,
You will overcome, child God, and You will gather together those who are humble in their spirit
and great with their life and mercy, those who have mercy on You and not on them, and not on the
man who keeps You lower than him before You, for the man has no fear of God by his nature and
he is anxious because of the part of his nature. I teach Your people, dear Son, to love You more
than man so that he may not commit sin against You and against man like many who say that they
are Yours and commit this sin.
Oh, people of my Son, the Word! If you wanted to take in with your wrong brother, the one
who is rebuked and given over to instruction and to prosperity in humility, then you give him power
to fall down, for in order that the man may stay with the Lord, as he is and not as the Lord wants,
it does not mean that he stays and that he is this, but it means that the Lord takes away his helm,
and then the man’s life is threatened, for woe to the man who does not always have a teacher over
his life, always a helm to the Lord over his steps on the earth! I teach you the work of life, the work
of humility for life, people of the word of my Son! The greatest work between earth and heaven is
the work of life. This is how the Lord your God, my Son, has told you today. It is worked by the
spirit and not by the flesh, and it is worked by the body through the leading of the spirit, and there
is no other kind of saving work over you, people called at the work of life, for without a spirit of
humility in everything there is no way to life. Get used to want more and to receive the spirit of
teaching abundantly, for humility is nothing but the receiving of the instruction, people led from
heaven on earth. My son has given you guidance because He loved you. If you also love Him, then
stay under a guide, loved and very much taught people; stay under the teaching of life all the time
over your life, over the motion of your mind, of your heart and of your body; stay as the Lord, your
God and mine stays under the work of the Father, as the real child stays. Love the life without
death and do not stay without a guide over your life, for the life without death in man is the life
always under the guidance, always tested, always watched in order to be, always prompted to
speak, and the life is not supposed to keep silent, people of my Son, the One giving of life.
However now, Lord and Master of life, let us give blessing over the day of my feast among
the saints and among them, and then we will teach them again. Let us also give them the word to
speak with Us and for Us, and We to rejoice over their table with Us and to look at how much life
they have got in them, to how great work of life they have got among them before You. Amen,
amen, amen.
– Oh, My mother, the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head but in the midst of this
people of My word, and I want to make the fruit of his faith into its midst, the work of life, the
fulfilling of My word upon him, mother. Amen.
I bless your feast with the heaven, Jerusalem of today, and I want you too to bless it with
your heart and word. Give Me further, My people! Give Me further to one another, sons nourished
from heaven, and show Me that you work the work of life, and show it to Me how you work it.
My mother, the Virgin, has left today on earth word with power of life and fulfillment. Learn from
it, and it will be seen if you have learnt, but always, always seek the work of the guide upon you,
which puts your growth to test and life within Me and then My life within you.