The Word of God in Romania 2006.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 2

2008.08.28 .
Behold , I come as a Teacher on the earth . I pass through you , My people , I pass with the word of My teaching for the man to receive Me from you , the man who hears My work of life into your midst . The man cannot build his life out of the work of his hands . The man cannot do anything without always having a teacher over him , and he does not believe this . Before My ascending to the Father , I told My disciples not to depart from Jerusalem until they would be clothed with power from above , with the Holy Spirit , Who would teach them everything taking from Me and giving to them from those that are Mine , and they were all the time in the temple , praising and blessing God , doing the work of life , the work of God over them . This is what he who believes in Me does , and he works this way learning from Me , for I am the Teacher Who teaches the man to believe and then with his faith in Me to work with God over his life , not by himself , for his self does not help the man but it only helps to his separation from Me and then to his wandering away far from Me .
Oh , My mother , I dwell with the life of My word into the midst of My people and We comfort our sighing . We give comfort to each other in your day of feast among the saints , and let the people receive life from Our work , mother , and let the man that is astray from God receive life , for the man does no longer know the way of life . Oh , My mother , lay down with Me in the word so that the man may hear us . Amen , amen , amen .
– Oh , how shall we bring to an end the pain and the mourning from it , child of the Father Sabaoth , and my child ? Oh , the mystery of the child is great , and the man lost this beautiful spirit and he does no longer know to give priority before him to the one who made him , child God . Oh , only God knew how to remain a child , only He , only You , child Son of the Father and mine , and behold , the mystery of the work of life is so close to the man , but who else still wants to understand the work of the mysteries , Son God !? The sight of the man ’ s heart stands away from the work of life , and the man does no longer have sight for his life . The man does no longer look at You , God of life . You have the Spirit of life giving . You are the man ’ s life without death . However , the man is not guilty of his wandering away , as are those whose set themselves as teachers over the people without becoming a path to You for the people , child God . You have remained a child , for You are obedient . As long as You lived visibly in Your body on the earth , You had become obedient to death on the cross , to resurrection and to ascension , and then , behold , up to Your coming now as word on the earth in such a way that those in the graves may hear the voice of God ’ s Son and confess this , proving by their confession the mystery of life , the power of faith which truly helps the people , the way as You , Who by the faith of so many saints who have loved You on the earth , have made the work of their faith and its power come true .
I comfort Your sighing , dear child of the Father and mine , for the man is used to comfort the man and not You . When the wrong man is favored by all those around him , he gets no benefit from this , but they rather suffer damage and You suffer damage as well and not only the wrong man , and this judgment of the things is guilty , like the favored man , like the biased man , and that is why God does not have on earth a man improved with love , with patience and with humility for the forgiveness of the sins and for true salvation . When the Lord is not let to be at the helm , the man becomes haughty against another man and he does not get humble , for the man sticks to the man and not to God , and not to the spirit of humility , and then the Lord loses the benefit between man and man and the man falls down , and the one who is favored by man always falls down , and he falls and does not stand and he is not . Behold how much You are disregarded because of Your justice , my Lord and my Son . Here is why the man does not grow . The man grows only by humility , but he takes Your place and judges with partiality because of the anxious and pretentious man in his struggle , and the man does no longer prosper in the humility , which is supposed to give him