The Word of God in Romania 2004.12.12 - The Word of God thirteen years after | Page 8
Patriarchs, and they will live in the kingdom of the heavens with all the saints, rejoicing and en-
joying, and may it be that God will also make us worthy of such a great joy, with His Holy gift.
The Saint Hierarch Niphon of Constantia
(The fourth century)
(A vision about the dreadful Judgment)
… These words, which the Lord spoke in a voice of a thunder by the Archangel Michael,
have filled the countless angelic powers with terror.
Then He commanded that the seven ages from the creation of the world to be brought
to Him. Michael received order to fulfill this work. That is why he quickly went to the house of
the testament and fetched them. They were like some big books, which He put in front of the
Judge. Then he stood aside looking respectfully at how the Lord was looking into the history of
the ages. And He took the first age, opened it and said: “This is what it is written first: The Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God with three faces. The Son, and the Maker of the centuries,
proceeded from the Father, because the centuries were made by the Word of the Father through
the Son, and there were created the bodiless powers, the heavens were strengthened, the earth, the
depths, the sea, the rivers and all those that are in them.”
Then, after reading a little bit further, He said: “The first man, Adam with his wife, Eve, is
the image of the Invisible God. The Almighty God and the Creator of all that are seen and all that
are not seen gave Adam a commandment. This was the law, which had to be kept with the whole
power and most valuably, to the honor of his Maker and in such a way that he might not forget
that God was above him.”
After reading a little bit further: “The lawlessness in which the image of God fell by de-
ceitfulness, or better said by carefulness and negligence. The man fell and he was cast out from
paradise, by a right judgment and decision taken by God. The beginner of lawlessness could no
longer stay within these good things!” And He went on reading below: “Cain came down on Abel
and killed him, according to the devil’s will. It is right for him to burn in the fire of Gehenna,
because he did not repent. And Abel will live in eternity.”
And in the same manner He looked into the seven books of the ages. Finally, He took the
seventh book and read it: “The beginning of the seventh century means the end of the ages.
The evil, sexual immorality and cruelty start to be generalized. The people of the seventh century
are evil, envious, liars, having false love, lovers of power and silver, enslaved by the sins of sod-
omy and by other sins.”
And He still went a little bit further, read something, and lifted up His sad eyes; He put one
hand on His knees and with the other one He covered His face and eyes and He stayed like that
thinking by Himself for a long time and then He whispered: “Indeed, this century far exceeded the
other centuries with injustice and wickedness.”
And then He went on reading: “The Greeks with their idols were hanged on a tree, by the
spear and by the nails, which nailed My body, the bearer of life.” He was silent for a couple of
moments and then He reclined again over the book: “Twelve commanders of the Great King, as
white as light, have troubled the sea, closed the mouths of the beasts, drowned the thinking drag-
ons, gave light to the blind, fed the hungry and made the rich poor. They fished many dead souls,
giving them life again. Great is their reward…” And then, after a little while, He added: “I, the
Lover of people, also chose witnesses, who overcame by My help!” Their friendship reached into
heaven and their love to My throne! Their longing to My heart and their sacrifice burns Me with
power. My glory and My power are with them!”