The Word of God in Romania 2004.12.12 - The Word of God thirteen years after | Page 7
Saint Moses, the Black, prophesied, saying: in the last days of the seventh century and
a half, the monachal life will be defiled completely and the monks will no longer take into account
the salvation for their souls. They will wander through the middle of disasters and quarrels,
gloomy, useless and lazy, and not taking care of any good work, enslaved by the passions of sin,
because from there where the first Christians burned satan, it will be there where he will burn and
scorch too. And where he was overpowered, he will also overpower the lazy and slanderous ones.
Where justice has been increasing, there the sin and iniquity will also be multiplied, because the
love of many will grow cold, and the monks will live in the midst of the world and fearless laics,
with food and drinking, being deceived by the lusts of the sin, by vanities, in uncleanness and
shameful works. During these days, there will be abomination, jealousy, strife, beatings to blood
in the common monasteries, and the same in big communities of monks, where there is no common
life, because of one’s wickedness against another and because the holy canons that were denigrated
and the spiritual unwillingness; there will be established as hegumens 4 and abbots, people who
have not been put to tests by good works, without faith, ignorant, simple and useless, not being
able to distinguish good from evil, without good works, taking care only of the earthly things,
behaving shamefully while performing their duties.
Taking away by force the hegumens (the nuns) with gifts, and not known to teach and to
advise the flock and the brotherhood, not knowing that they are a useful image and an example for
those who follow the good works and not perceiving that they will be called to account before God
on the day of judgment for their flock. And because of the carelessness of the hegumens (the
monks), who do not take care of the flock, they will be lost, and there will be judged not only those
who have been lazy and idle, but also the brothers who had been refrained and had a good life.
After that, Moses, God’s servant, saw cloud and whirlwind, dark fog and dreadful tempta-
tions that had come upon the monks from the north side, which were putting the monks to rout and
the monachal order began to be scattered because of the cursed heresies, and many were forced to
give up the monachal clothes and to get married. Then, few of those who did not want, will be
tested like gold and silver in the furnace and by many hardships, in troubles and persecution, will
be refined. And as many as those who will be tested and who will overcome such many dreadful
temptations, will be exalted and praised, and they will be glorified by God more than those who
had endured the scorching, the heat of the day and the frost of the night.
After that, God’s servant, Moses, saw that that winter of hardships had passed and
also the temptations and the tribulation of those dreadful heresies, and a time for peace had
come. And after that a couple of years will have passed; again the flock of angelic monks will
be despised and troubles will come again upon them, even more of them and more forcefully. He
saw that the monks will spend time together with the nuns, and together with the evil lust will
come tyranny as well, and even those who will not want, will be mocked forcefully.
The priests will be defiled themselves by the sin of debauchery and their priestesses will
commit adultery, and they also will commit sexual immoralities. Then God’s great wrath will come
and will destroy that whole wicked generation and it will be sent into the eternal fire.
Therefore, blessed will be all those who will not bow to the greatest lawlessness of un-
cleanness, which is more violent and heavier than killing, but who will stand against it and will
rebuke the lawlessness, as Saint John, the Baptizer, did, and they will persevere, rebuking the
blood blending. And they will be killed by