The Word of God in Romania 2004.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the b | Page 3

2004.09.21. do not last forever, and that he may learn about his pain, children sons, for happiness is not made of joys, but only from pains, and if the man looks for his joys, then he does no longer seek after God, as you can see this, children sons. I said that I have been waiting for the day of memorial of the birth on earth of My mother, the Virgin, and My bride, to give instruction of eternal life to My people and to every man who will receive from you the word coming down over the earth in order to cleanse it from the evil in man. I have been waiting to hear her speaking, for great is the gift of confessing, the gift of prophecy, which keeps the man away from perdition and from his own self. God exhorts the man to get love and its benefits in him, as the gift of prophecy is the stairway on which I come down on man with the joys of love, with those from heaven, to bestow them on man, but there are no longer seers on earth, there are no longer priests on earth, for the people destroy them by their longing after the temporary life, and the man does no longer see anything. How- ever, I have prepared a great feast of word that the entire earth may receive from it and all the nations on earth may hear that the love and its benefits are no longer on earth, and that is why the gift of prophecy is no longer among people and there is no one to turn them back to the people from their wide way and to show them the way with life on it, and which the people do not walk on it, and it has been covered like a mere path, which, if the people do not walk on it, it is no longer known that it is. Oh, children who stay at the mouth of My word to put it into the book, the most painful thing is not that the man does not want to become like Me. More painful than this is the fact that the man makes God like him, and the mystery of the embodiment of My word in man is completely strange on earth, because the love and its benefits, which are made known by My word, by the gift of prophecy, which crowns the man with life from heaven, do not longer have room on earth, and the man does no longer want to do like God not even in hard times; however, even then he wants to do like him, and I, the Lord, would like to do like him, to become like him, and this pain is hard in heaven when the man tries to make God like him. All the saints and all the angels have heard from Me and from My mother, the Virgin, that we have been waiting for the day of her celebration, and she will still teach you the mystery of the embodiment of My word in your body, in your soul and in your spirit, My people. The love and its benefits are kept over the man by the gift of prophecy, and I have been teaching you, saying to you: “By no means should you bow to look at yourself by your own eyes so that you may not receive Me, for I look at the man through the eyes of a prophet, and I also teach him to look the same way, and I teach him that the gift of prophecy is the stairway on which I come down to the man on earth, and I make My prophets of those who are faithful and who love the gentle and humble spirit and who have got the love and its benefits in their spirit.” Amen. Oh, Virgin mother, your day of feast in the garden is sweet, for I have wanted to bring it into the view of those who carry Us into the midst of the elected people, mother. Oh, My life is sweet to Me when I am able to appear with it on earth, when I can find a humble place, a way that I may be able to walk on and to set a table of word and to reveal Myself, mother, and I have always exhorted the people of this descending of word not to have any worry than the one before My path towards him, the same as now, when I have given him exhortation to come to the feast ahead of time, for I told him at the right time that you would make a halt over him and that you would still teach him, and that he would have to sit down for you to teach him, to feed him on the love and its benefits, mother. The love for Us is not the love for him, but let us make 3