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view in it , for you have got sight from Me for those who are not seen by the fleshly eyes . You have asked yourselves what you were to give them to eat from what you have , and I immediately told you not to worry what they would drink or what they would eat or how they would sit down , but only to look at how the tables are set and at all the glory of the feast where the birds of the heaven ( Saints in heaven , r . n .) take part eating of the food on the tables ; tables from heaven and not from earth , white towels , and long from place to place , counterpanes and blankets for beds among clusters of countless flowers , which drop and rise again not being crushed from the sitting down of the saints and angels . Oh , you have mercy on the flowers when you walk and step in the garden ! Be good and take a look . Be good ! Let us leave all the joy for the saints and for the angels , all our party , and that We and you may testify about it that it is and that it is laid down without any strange feeling over the blessed things by My word , which is glorified among you in the days of My coming from near the Father as word on earth .
Behold how beautifully a party is given by those in heaven . There is no such music on earth , children sons , such signals for any movement and work , such a heavenly will , free from the human will and wisdom . However , the man does not humble himself for all his making on earth for everything he has done under heaven , and he does not see his weakness concerning those things that are above anything he tries to do and to give to the people like him . I suffer great pain because I cannot show to the man the richness that is not seen , but which is . It is not seen because it is and I have always exhorted the people to learn the parables of the kingdom of the heavens , and I told them : « Make treasures in heaven where moth does not destroy them and where the thief does not rob them , for where your treasure is there will your heart be also ». ( See Luke 12:33-34 ) But here it is where the man ’ s heart is . It is there where he gathers for himself and where his heart remains on earth , and it makes Me suffer that I cannot show the man the heaven ’ s richness , which is not seen if the man is flesh and only that .
Oh , behold such a beauty of heavenly richness ! Behold such a feast with generosity in the garden ! Do not look after the Christians ! Now there are those from the invisible heaven with a feast of generosity and only as in heaven . The dishes on the towels are not as on earth , even if they are eaten from the table by all of those surrounding them who are taking from them .
My angel and My mother , the Virgin , are in good temper during the whole spirit of the feast , and under their walking , the grass and the flowers do not remain down , for they rise again and stand within their beauty , like all those who are laid down in the garden . My mother is sweet , and she is not walking without My angel and she is ready to speak for those in heaven and for those on earth . Amen .
Oh , children sons , I much I wanted the people to be able to do more for those in heaven on earth ! I would like him to be more heavenly on earth , and My mother , the Virgin , promised him that she would teach him more for his wisdom , the mystery of the embodiment of My word in his body , his soul and his spirit , for I call him before the human kind on earth , and I call him My people . Amen .
The one who truly loves the heaven on earth , that one is careful to My teaching and he immediately receives it and puts it on him to have it for his eternity , for it is this way and no otherwise that the man gets together with all that he has earned in heaven . I have taught you to catch a little bit of courage beforehand to teach the people for its healing from the joys which