2004.07.13 .
Oh , My people , examine yourself , son . I spoke through the word that I did not come to tell fortunes , but that I come to speak , and woe to those who tempt God ! Look at the disorderly life of those who tempt God , the man and the devil , and learn to be My disciple by the faith , which works through love . The lie deceives the man for the man to make use of it , but who is the one that is able to make his cover with a lie ? Oh , always examine yourself , Jerusalem ! Learn the life , which makes your suffer , for I am also aggrieved . Live like Me and not like you . Live My pain and give My life to one another , the pain that makes Me suffer , My longing after the man , for the man is no longer used to the truth , and he is no longer used with the Lord and with His love , with His pain after the man .
Those who lose their wisdom , let them ask it back from God , and He will give it to them . Let every man on earth hear My word and let him eat of it more than bread . It is My pain that becomes the man ’ s joy , the man ’ s life , God in man , for the man does not feel his life but only when it makes him suffer . My word is only pain . Let the man receive it as his life , for the pain is the sweetest life in man , the most lived one , the dearest one , and it is My kingdom in man until My appearance , when I bring to the man and to the Father the joy of the gathering of all people in the Father , after I will have suffered to its end for My love , which waits for the man . Amen , amen , amen . 13-07-2004
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor ( editor ). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here : http :// www . scribd . com / collections / 4089711 / The-second-coming-of-Jesus-Christ