The Word of God in Romania 2004.04.25 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a | Page 4
which written with a letter on earth, because I will plant millions and millions of lilies and
roses on earth, (It's about people like lilies and roses, r.n.) to command My angels and the
birds of the heaven, (Angels and saints from heaven, r.n.) which are part of My glory, to
sing the song of the heaven on earth with you. Oh, I have always taught you, and I will always
teach you not to forget that the children have been given to taste of My glory, and they feel it
and become My glory. Amen. I have been teaching you the mystery of love, which teaches the
man to become God and godly grace on earth. The word of My teaching is a spring, which
never dries up and which springs forever, for how could you be able to watch otherwise for
your meeting with Me?
Oh, sons, there is little time that has remained by My meeting with those who love Me
as you do, and with the sons of the people in My gardens with you, to invite them to the mystery
of the love, which teaches the man to come to Me, to come to the water of life and to know it,
(See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) to drink of it and never to go thirsty
forever and ever; and to have it and to drink of it, for blessed are those who have God in their
life. And behold, the prudes, the disciples of the undoubted faith speak to you, to those who are
gathered together at their feast: “Christ is risen!” My mother among them is also speaking
sweetly to you:
— My Son was dead and came to life and He is alive forever and ever and has the keys
of the death and hell and is He the One Who overcame death with death. Amen.
— Oh, My mother! Oh, My bride disciples! The wind of the Holy Spirit is sweet, and it
becomes a sweet word, and the gospel of My resurrection has been sounding over the two ages
of people and speaking today among the sons of the people as well: Christ is risen! Only the
people, which I died for in order that I may not lose it and to win it over by My sacrifice on the
cross, only it has been saying for two thousand years that My disciples stole Me from the tomb
and paid money for what they have been saying to each other until today.
Oh, people of Israel after the flesh, behold where I have been shepherding My
lambs, and I call you to follow My flock, and I want you to see Me one day how I graze
My little flock among roses and lilies, and you do not know that those who are little are
blessed, those who stay as little lambs under My rod of Shepherd, so that I may shepherd
them to be their Teacher and Lord and that those who are little may have a Father. Amen.
And I also tell you that whoever has Abraham as his father, he also has God as his Father,
and not only Abraham, but also the one who has the faith of Abraham, the one is who
believes in Me, and the one who has Abraham as his father is not otherwise. Amen.
— Oh, Lord, we are Your female disciples. We call Israel, whose tribe we belong to, to
believe in Your resurrection on the third day from among the dead. We are Your faithful wit-
nesses and we love You as our Bridegroom and we come with You in heavenly hosts and reti-
nues at Your wedding, at Your marriage feast with Your bride taken out of Romanians. (See the
selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) Peace to You! Rejoice because You have us
as Your disciples and confessing prudes! Peace to You, the One Who was resurrected on the
third day from the tomb, for we look for You as the One Who is alive among the dead and we
do not look for You because of something else. We knew that You were alive and that You had
died for three days so that You might come to life again afterwards. Peace to You, Lord! Peace
to Your people with a new name of New Jerusalem in Romanians, the country in which You
have set Your table and the noise of the wedding! Peace to You in the midst of the Romanian