The Word of God in Romania 2004.04.25 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a | страница 3
The man from the world, who calls himself a Christian, does not know and does not
want to know what the love is, that which makes the man come closer to God and the disciples
within a work of Holy Spirit. All the people on earth serve the angels of darkness and their
wills, as they have taught from the man, and I, the Lord, want, by the word of My coming
to the man, as the word after two thousand years, to teach the man what resurrection is,
the love which teaches the man to come closer to God and God to come closer to man, for
the man has hidden within himself and has put God and His angels away from near him.
The saints long for the man’s coming back to God by the love, which teaches the man
what his life with God is. My prudes are an example of undoubted faith. They did not doubt
when they saw Joseph of Arimathea, when he put Me in the tomb and rolled the stone at the
door of the tomb. After the day of Saturday had passed, while the sun was rising on the Sunday
of resurrection, coming to the tomb, they spoke among themselves saying: «Who will roll away
the stone from the door of the tomb for us?». (Mark 16:3) Then they lifted up their eyes and
saw that the stone was already rolled away, for it was very big and entering the tomb they saw
an angel who spoke to them: «Don’t be amazed. Christ has risen! Behold the place where they
laid Him! But go; tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He goes before you into Galilee. There you
will see Him, as He said to you.’» (Mark 16:6, 7) Amen.
Oh, Jerusalem, I am with you in the word and with those who came together at the feast
of resurrection at your trumpet sounding. However, you should do as My disciples did who
especially served My word, because it is a feast of female disciples of the gift of the undoubted
faith, My people. And the word of God was growing and it was growing everything I spoke to
My disciples before and after My passions, and then after My resurrection, for they were con-
fessing everything and everywhere, and My word was sharing and proving Me out, and the
number of the disciples in Jerusalem who believed was increasing, and there was a great amaze-
ment: many priests believed in the faith of My disciples and of My prude disciples, because
their love for My fulfilled word was great, for the love which teaches the man to come closer
to God, and which has to be shared in order for the number of the disciples to grow, sons who
work specially the service of My word and its sharing.
Oh, I want to reward your tiredness with disciples, working sons. Give priority to this
work, for My disciples, after I was resurrected and after I sent them on earth to preach Me for
the faith of many people, they did so, and they took care of the growing of the word, and espe-
cially, of the growing of the Holy Spirit in those who came closer to believe, and you should
also not work something else on earth, for it is the time of the renewal of the earth by My word,
and with every passing day the time is high to plant My beauty of the heaven on earth in
a visible way starting with you, for without you I do not make any beginning or any end of
My works by which I renew the earth and the heaven, which will come down on earth renewed
by word and by the work of the word, to the glory of the heavenly things and not for the glory
of the earthly things, sons and servants of the word of My coming. I want that all the earthly
ghosts may submit to Me to give them of My glory and let their glory die away, because other
is the glory of the things from heaven, as it is written about those things and about those who
will be renewed within their incorruptibility. Amen.
I want the disciples of this work of word to know Me and to do My will in them by My
word coming out of My mouth and out of you, those who establish Me on earth with the people.
With every passing day, I want to renew more and more the land under your feet and under
which the hell and its servants groan, children and sons. I want to fulfill the Paradise on earth,
and I have said this by the word of this book that I have been speaking for fifty years and