2004.04.12 .
My people , I sit with you at a table of word near your table for your living and I bless My word upon you to understand it , to love it and to learn it that it may embrace you , and I also bless your food for your living and I live with you , for living with God and in God is such a great mystery that if the man had the thirst to comprehend it , then his time would come to find the mystery of happiness , the mystery of comfort , the mystery of the eternal life and its waiting after that all the passing things will be swallowed up by life . But all these I have to work with the man and not alone , for I have them and they are under My authority , but I want to give them to the man , because it is for them that I built the man . I do not know what to do with the man that he may not be enchanted by the temporary things and which the man has no share in , neither him and nor his offspring , for the man and everything he does surely pass away and all bring to him death and not the life , which he tries to build by his labor on earth . If I asked the man what he struggles for to make for himself on earth , he would answer Me that he would be bored and that he would be sad if he stayed without doing according to his heart , which asks him against the truth of all the works on earth and in heaven .
How shall I do it , My people ? How shall we do it , sons , to comprise the man within the mystery of his living in God ? The man has money , poor of him , and if he has got it he does something with it , for the fact that he has money it burdens him . In vain he has got it if he does not know what to gather with it . The apostle Thomas would receive money from a king and took care with them of the lives of the saints , of the food of the hungry , of the clothing of the naked and of a humble people , until he won over the heart of the king and he understood the mystery of living in God . Amen .
The man has got money , poor of him , but he has no life with God . I did not have money and I did not even touch them . You do not have money but you have God , the One Who gives to you so that you may not need to beg from the rich ones , and to work to earn your bread , clothing , water and roof .
Behold , the man does not know to build in God , to build himself in heaven , and not on earth ; to dress up in heaven and not on earth , for the man has also got a house in heaven , and there is no one to tell him this , because he does not open the Scripture to see in it that he has got a dwelling in heaven , not made by hand , and in it he can find the works of his living in God and then to clothe with it everything which is mortal , for it is written : « This corruptible will put on incorruption and death will be swallowed up in victory ». ( See 1 Cor . 15:54 ) Amen , amen , amen . There have been so many saints , in whom I have lived with My life in them with the works of the eternal life in them , who understood this sweet mystery , but they have hardly found a man to whom they may tell it and to make him perceive it and then to follow it . Behold , the church of the world , the flock , which gathers together in places called churches , does not understand the mystery of life and its living on earth , for in the churches of the world there come together all those who have money and riches and prides and ranks , and the poor who go in them are last even if they have Me in them with the mystery of living in God . However , I , the Lord and My word , Which stretches the heavens like a tent , Which puts the foundations of the earth and Which builds the spirit of the man in him , will strike those who have set themselves as shepherds , and their flock is destitute of teaching . May their arm get dry , because they