The Word of God in Romania 2004.04.12 - The Word of God on the second day of
The Word of God 1 on the second day of Passover 2
Early in the morning I prepare Myself with word upon you, Jerusalem of My glory and
I greet you, My people, with the greeting of My resurrection, a greeting carried from mouth to
mouth from the prudes of My resurrection and to every place where this gospel has reached:
Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Amen, amen, amen.
Those who are My gates of entrance for the word of My mouth to you are fragile now,
but I cannot leave you that I may not be with you in word in a feast of resurrection. You should
know and understand that every word that comes out of My mouth and is heard and written into
My book of these days of My glory and yours and of those who believe in Me through you, is
the feast of resurrection, My people. My word is the light, which shines in the darkness, but
those who do not receive it do not receive light and the one who does not receive it from Me,
does not have.
I call all to come and to receive light, but they do not come. It is not that they do not
know to come, but they do not come because they have teachers upon them who have taken My
garment and the name of My work, and they like to be praised and fed and rich with souls, but
the souls without My light in them are without spirit, without knowledge, without wisdom and
are like the sheep without a shepherd, since they have no shepherd, for I am the Shepherd of
the sheep, the Good Shepherd, because I laid down My life for the sheep and there has been no
other one to lay down his life as I did. I had the power to lay it down and to take it back, and
this is what I did, and only the true God could do this. However, the people do not love Me and
they love their shepherds instead even if those take them and put them in the ground before
raising them to life, before teaching them the way, the truth and the life, which are from heaven
and in which the man walks to heaven if he has learned them from the earth. However, on earth
there are no longer shepherds, but there are only those who put a cross to the man’s head after
the man gives up his soul. The shepherd who loves the souls teaches the man to put a cross
around his neck and to carry it and not to defile it so that his life may be a beautiful cross, a
cross sweet in its taste, for without sufferance, without temptations on earth, the man walks
empty of God, and My light is not with him, and poor of him forgets that at the trumpet
sounding of the seventh angel when I, the Lord, will have overcome the last enemy, which
is death, the man will be called into account for everything he has done in his life on earth.
Oh, there is no longer a place on earth where the gospel of two thousand years ago has
not been heard that I was dead and I came to life and I am alive forever and ever and I am the
Lord of glory, the King of the creature, for I made the world and I spoke My word and it was
made. The news spreads quickly and My apostles received word from Me to go into the whole
world, and I told them: «You will be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the uttermost parts of the earth, and as many as receive Me through you into My name,
I will give them the power to become God’s children». Amen.
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.