The Word of God in Romania 2004.02.15 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the | Page 3

2004.02.15. It was written about Me that after I was brought before the Father, I was growing and strengthening Myself in spirit, being filled with wisdom, and God’s grace was upon Me. This is how I also want to work today, and to do this in you, to appear in you and to shine from you, for I have set you as a sign on earth and this sign has been causing so much resistance, as it was with Me in the midst of Israel. Oh, children from the gates, who have heard Me and have written down My word! Take care of My work through you over Jerusalem and on the earth, so that I may be able to work from heaven, seeing, and from the earth, working, and to take care of you as of My little ones, and then to give the blessing of My father to all who have visited you under the burden of My work carried on your gentle shoulders, for you are so little, so small on earth, because you are Mine, and because this is how all those who are Mine have been. Amen, amen, amen. 15-02-2004 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 3