The Word of God in Romania 2004.02.15 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the | Page 2

2004.02.15 .
life so that I may not be guilty of the man ’ s work without God . I am the right Judge and that is why I have shown the man the right way , coming to him with My word of life giving and of right way , and if the man does not want to work in his life , then I will not be guilty of his life , of his lack of life and of his lack of blessing .
I set you , My little ones , before the nations of the earth , so that the man may alone chose his place on My right or his place on My left , and this is how the day of the man ’ s judgment is made . ( See the selection topic : „ The fearful judgment ”, r . n .) I , the Lord , make it establishing you , those who make My coming on earth , before the creature on it and before the human people on it , for the creature waited and waits for you , and by this sign , which is you with the cross of My coming on your little shoulders , I can make the judgment of the nations , the man ’ s trial ; ( See the selection topic : „ The sign of the Son of Man ”, r . n .) and after I have finished testing them through you , I will shine from you , because you carried on your little shoulders the cross of My coming on earth as word , a word of life upon the people . And after I will have shined from you as My sign between earth and heaven , all the nations of the earth will cry and will see Me with you on the clouds of glory , with power and much glory of angels . And then those , who did you good , will be My elected ones and I will gather them with the sound of a trumpet , and this generation will not pass until all these will not remain this way . Amen . And those , who did not do good to you after I have established you as a sign of My coming , as word over the earth for the judgment of the creature , it will happen to them as to those in the time of Noah , who did not believe , and who are eating and drinking and marrying and are given in marriage , ( See the selection topic : „ As in the days of Noah ”, r . n .) as they have always done it , until the day when I shine from you , and then , before their reward , they will know their reward , which will put all to My left for this reward , and this generation shall not pass away until all these happen . Amen .
And as for you , children of My coming , who were chosen for My glory , you should work and live day by day and more and more for it , for the payment of your work with Me will be My shining in you , and this generation will not pass until this takes place . Amen . I have created you for My glory , now in the end of the man ’ s time , and I have taken you from among the people and created you , for you have believed in Me and worked My coming with the judgment of the nations of the earth . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ The end of the world and the Day of the Lord ”, r . n .)
And now , persevere in your prayer for My victory and yours , for the time is near . Be Holy Spirit in word and in work for My fruit to be known in you , and the spirit of humility to clothe you , so that all the sons of the Jerusalem of My coming to be beautiful sons , for humility makes the man to be My pleased one . Amen .
I want to bring you as an offering to My Father for My work with you , as My mother , the Virgin , brought Me before the Lord after forty days since My birth among the people , and when the old Simeon was released from the days of his waiting , seeing Israel ’ s comforting through the Holy Spirit , Who was upon him , seeing Me , the Son of the Father and the Son of the Man , set before the people to the falling and rising of many , and for a sign which is spoken against . ( See Luke 2:34 , r . n .) This is how I have brought you before the Father forty years after the beginning of My work of word , now , in the end of the man ’ s time , and you have been to the falling and rising of many and as a sign , which has been causing so much hostility , sons .