The Word of God in Romania 2003.12.04 - The Word of God at the feast of the C | Page 5
Oh, remain in a spirit of the heavenly feast, children of Jerusalem, and kindle in you the
longing after Me, for Me to come sons, for I have come to put longing in you, and the longing
grows only when it is kindled, as nothing is consumed without catching fire. Do not forget to
be children, for I said that the kingdom of the heavens belongs to the children. Remain in the
spirit of the prophecy, to be able to say from it: “Come, Lord!” Only the Spirit and the bride
say: “Come!” but the flesh does not speak this way to God.
The pride of life has completely blinded the sons of this age, as it also blinded Israel in
the time of Moses, although Israelites saw with their own eyes that God was their guide to the
country of their promise, and they also saw so many signs worked before them for their life
after that. However, they loved the pride of life, because they thought of themselves as though
they were the greatest on earth, like Adam, who by not seeing Me, stepped over Me and became
his own master, and then the man got out of God. However, I have come after him with the
same calling, for the word of My coming today has always asked him; it has always sought
after the man who has not seen Me and it has asked him: «Man, where are you?» And he was
not able to answer Me anything else but only that he heard My voice from Paradise and that he
hid because of his nakedness. Oh, those who hear this word of My coming after the man and
do not take it on as their garment, they stay hidden because their nakedness and they say that I
am not and it only they that are. However, I will wipe out the pride of life from the earth and
from the man and I will tell the man again by this word that I am He Who is, and that you,
children of the New Jerusalem, are My house, My tabernacle among the people and that the
spirit of prophecy is into your midst, by which I Myself preach up and down over the earth and
over the man that the man is not, but it is only I Who am. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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