2003.12.04 .
who love the kingdom of the heavens on earth are sons of resurrection like the angels on earth . Amen .
The spirit of prophecy longs after the one who is a child , for everything is possible with God for those who believe in a heavenly manner in the mystery of life and not in an earthly manner . You should long after the spirit of prophecy , which gives birth to sons from God , for the mystery of life worked and works on earth from the Lord , and as for the one who remains in the spirit of prophecy , that one is obedient and obedience means a child life . Amen .
Receive the word of my Son , which is given to you and grow less through it , and do not forget to be well pleased to the heaven by the spirit of humility , and do not forget to stay with your little heart full of longing before the Lord , for the longing after God makes the man to be the bride for God , and the mystery of the bride is the Bridegroom waiting in the spirit of the holy patience , by which the man does not fall from life . Amen .
It is a celebration of the heavenly faith growth upon you , children of the New Jerusalem , and I , like a child mother , celebrate among you the day of My entrance into the Holy of Holies after I turned three years from my mother who brought me on earth in the flesh , and then the Lord received me , because I was a child , and whoever is a child receives the Lord . Become an eternal feast of heavenly children before the Lord and love one another as my Son loves the children , and you should not love otherwise than He does . The spirit of a child stays on the face of the one who loves God as much as God wants , and one can never be a child of the Lord if he loves the Lord as much as he wants and not as much as God wants , for God is love and He means nothing else but love . Amen .
My celebration of today teaches you to be children as much as God wants , for the one who does not do so , that one falls into the chaos of this age and is united with its world . Be children and this is how you are to grow and you should stay longingly after the heaven , for when my Son confessed Himself on earth before laying His life down for the man , He said : « I have come to throw fire on the earth , and I wish it were already kindled ». ( Luke 12:49 ) Amen , amen , amen .
— Oh , mother of My love for the man humbled in his spirit , I have come to put longing in man and then to kindle it , for I have come to make the man My bride , child mother , and the mystery of the bride is the longing after her Bridegroom and the spirit of patience by which the man does not fall from life , mother . I have come to throw the longing on the earth and to kindle it in man , for the man to be able to say : « Come , Lord !» And I am the Bridegroom Who comes , and let the one who hears My voce say : « Come , Lord !» as the spirit and the bride say : « Come !»
I have come as a feast of word upon you , My people bride . The bride has got longing , and she has got fire and is the fire , which waits for her bride . ( See the selection topic : „ The Wedding of the Lamb ”, r . n .) For the one who does not understand the Scripture that I spoke about : « I have come to throw fire on the earth and I wish it were already kindled », for that one this mystery is revealed , and it is sin for the man not to love God and to love the world after he has heard the word that says : « Do not love the world or those that are from the world , for if someone loves the world , the love of the Father is not in him , because everything that is in the world , the lust of the flesh , the lust of the eyes and the pride of life are nowhere else but from the world », ( See also 1 John 2:16 ), and it is a sin for the man not to love God and to love only the world and those in it .