The Word of God in Romania 2003.09.21 - The Word of God at the Feast of the R | Page 3
through something else, and it is from this, that everything that separates the man from the love
of God, is born, which is the watch against the man’s separation from God.
I want, man that have come to the spring of wisdom, I want to teach you how to love
your life. If you want to love it, you have to give it so that you may be able to take it back, for
I said: «He who finds his life will lose it; and he who loses his life for My sake will find it»,
(Matt. 10:39), for until the man does not die, he cannot come to life and I cannot live in him as
long as he lives within himself. The man feeds his body and soul taking care of them both so
that he may live in himself, but I tell you, sons of the people, that if you live in yourselves, you
will die by your own deeds, because it is not possible for the one who does not deny himself to
remain alive. I give you this teaching of life out of love, and I call you with mercy from death
to life, from you to Me by self denial so that afterwards you may be able to do the will of the
Father, Who is in heaven and not on earth, and I want to draw all people to the Father, as I
promised when I ascended to the Father that this was how I would work after I would reach
again in the glory, which I had from Him before the foundation of the world.
I have come as word on earth to call the man to life, and life mans holiness and love of
God forever, for where life is, it is forever, and it is not like death, which is not eternal, because
death will no longer be, soon, soon, and there will be only saints on earth, for the saints will
judge the world, as it is written in the Scriptures and I said: «He who overcomes, and he who
keeps My works to the end, to him I will give authority over the nations. He will rule them
with an iron rod, shattering them like clay pots; as I also received of My Father». (Rev. 2:26,
When Paul, My apostle, was establishing the word of the Holy Spirit of the teaching
over the church, he said: «Don’t you know that we will judge angels? How much more, things
that pertain to this life?» (1 Cor. 6:3)
I want to raise them back into the glory, which the angels that became
haughty fell from, and I want to do this by the love of man, and I want to do this
by the resurrection of everyone, and then the angels will be raised from their fall from the be-
ginning and we will rejoice over all the creation for everything will be done again, and they
will become new, as it is written. I want to teach the man not to work the evil spirit in himself
but rather to work My Spirit in himself, and from him over the man, and then the angels, fallen
from My glory, will be judged and then they will be raised back to their places by the
resurrection of the man from death. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”,
I do not want man, that My death on the cross to be in vain, and by which I overcame
your death. I do not want death to be any longer and I also do not want you to want it, for I want
to take away the death from the earth, and when the death, the last enemy, will be overcome,
then I, the Lord, will rest from My search after the man and I will give him My life to live it
forever, as I am also forever. Amen.
All those, who came together at My calling in the garden of My meeting with the man,
celebrate you, mother, and We take over the sweet song of those who came at My wedding with
My bride from the Romanians and whom I glorify with My glory, for she glorifies Me in herself
before the people, mother. It is your birthday celebration, mother. The barren has given birth
to God’s mother, and those above nature, worked out by God on earth among the people, do