The Word of God in Romania 2003.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 6

2003.07.12 .
share You over the earth , and for them to stand before You in order that You may come , and for them to receive You with the word of life , which the four winds are to take it back then and to spread everywhere on earth the news that You have come and that You shepherd with an iron rod , with the word of the Holy Spirit , all those that will hear and will believe to their repentance and to the forgiveness of the sins and for a spirit of holiness in body and in spirit , for everything has come to an end as You said , and Your glory and its brightness is coming ; for many , with the joy of comfort and , again , for the unfaithful , with the pain of their blindness by which they do not know You and do not see you within Your coming . Amen , amen , amen .
— You were My joy , My disciples . You were My comfort when I came on earth when I appeared with signs and wonders for three years and a half as the Son of the Father , confirmed from heaven by the Father and from the earth by you . You did not leave Me after that all left Me , because of fear and because of disbelief . You remained until My crucifixion with Me and you comforted Me with your love in you , and then I put you under a shelter to remain My followers , because I went to be sacrificed , as I had to fulfill the Scriptures about Me . However , be My comfort now and go with the grace from above and with the heavenly powers and help the last sons of God , for they are small and fragile , and I want to spread the news and the power of My coming over the entire earth through them , both in hell and in heaven and in the sky , to the new birth of the world by the word of My coming . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ The dead hear My voice ”, r . n .)
Let the peoples come and see My humility , by which I have come down after the man into the darkness of today , and let them see , under the burden of the cross of My coming , those that are small among the saints and whom , willing or not , I made them into the light over the world , My word over the earth , the gatekeepers who open to the Son of God , the Word , the Teacher of the world .
Peace to you into the midst of those who are My people , small and few , to those that I make My coming come down for ! Neither you were more and nor they are many , but they are My word over the earth and I have turned them into the gospel and into the trumpet sounding of My second coming from near the Father . Amen , amen , amen .
And to you , children who have been pressed down by the burden of My coming , I will comfort you , for My mercy on you keeps Me only close to you , for you are small and you have carried My people to heaven and you teach him to be small , so that I may take care of him , and that he may also take care of Me and of you , growing within his spirit for My Holy Spirit through them on to earth . Amen . Receive comforts from the days of feast of the heaven with you and comfort yourselves in your pains and in your shortcomings and in your tears for My name , and I will always go with you with the comfort of the Holy Spirit , the Comforter , Who you should give to the people of My word , and in Whom I may embrace you and that He may also embrace Me too , for I want My fellowship with them from dawn to dawn , for this time is great , and few are those who understand in order to believe and to come to this glory , the glory of the Scriptures of the coming of the Son of Man , with the power and with the glory of His word over the earth . Amen , amen , amen . 12-07-2003
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