The Word of God in Romania 2003.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 4

2003.07.12. then to Pilate, to be crucified, as it was written in the prophets, in the psalms and in the law of Moses to be fulfilled with Him. We are Israelites and we speak to you from near the Father and from near His Son, to those in the tribe of Israel after the flesh; to you, the people chosen through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and saved from the slavery through Moses. We are the witnesses of His resurrection two thousand years ago and of the Gospel of the kingdom of the heavens, which was prophesied to come down on earth. And behold, we are in the second coming of the Son of God on earth, Who is preparing His wedding country by the word of the new making of the world, the Roma- nian country, the land chosen from the beginning of the world for His second coming, for the people of Israel crucified Him, and then He started building a people on the Romanian people, by the preaching of His Gospel on this earth through the first one called by Him among us, the apostle Andrew, a former disciple of John, the Baptizer, and who, on this land of the beginning of the earth at its coming out from the waters in the time of creation of the world, put the seal of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the One Who was prophesied by the prophets, an ineffaceable seal, on which the Romanian people was built, and of which now, in the eighth age from the making of the world, He chose His disciples to testify about His coming as word on earth, and by whom, as the Creator of everything, He creates the new heaven and the new earth and the age which is to come, as it is written in the prophets that He will do when He comes for the resurrection of the dead and for the new birth of the world, we being His witnesses, His disciples of two thousand years ago, to see and to rejoice over the promise, newly made and fulfilled now. Stand up for repentance and for the forgiveness of the sins, you who are from our people, Israel after the flesh, for Messiah, the One Who came two thousand years ago, and Who died on the cross and was resurrected and ascended to the Father in order to draw all the people to the Father, as He promised then, here He is in His second coming. And behold the country of brightness, the New Jerusalem, in which He has His dwelling, a people and a new land, the land which came first from the waters at the making of the heaven and of the earth, the Romanian land, the top of the earth, which He established the work of His coming and His word, the Law of life, to which all the nations of the earth will flow from the four corners of the wind, to receive the life and its laws and to walk in its ways afterwards. Open the books of the prophets and the psalms and Moses’ books and learn to read them well, and you will find the country of brightness, that the prophet Daniel spoke about by the Spirit of the Lord. Read with the wisdom of humility and bow then to come and drink from the bed of the river of life and to wash your face, your life, your heart, your mind and your love in it to make them new, for the Lord spoke through the prophet Isaiah: «I make a new thing and buds for it, and I will make everything new». Amen. Read in the prophets and understand how the Holy Spirit speaks so clearly when He speaks: «Behold you scoffers, and wonder and perish; for I work a work in your days, a work which you will in no way believe, if one declares it to you». (Acts 13:41) However, we, Jesus Christ’s apostles, those from two thousand years ago, tell you from among the living one of the eternal life: believe in this coming of the Lord that you may not perish, for we, the witnesses from the people of Israel after the flesh, speak now into the name of each tribe of Jacob, and its saved ones who will believe. Amen. — Oh, Lord Teacher, You are the Son of Man, Who comes with the clouds and come with the saints and with Your disciples and show us the fulfillment of the Scriptures of Your coming from the end of the time. But you are the beginning and the end, and you are the end 4