The Word of God in Romania 2002.08.25 - The Word of God at the Feast of the R | Page 3

2002.08.25 .
Bring glory to the Lord . Sing a new song to the Lord . Praise His name in a hora , ( Hora – Romanian folk round dance with a slow rhythm in which dancers join their hands forming a closed circle ; the circle which is formed by those that perform this dance ; the melody by which this dance is performed . If you got in the hora you must play it (= if you started to do something , you must keep to it , r . n .)) and sing to Him with tambourines and with psalteries . Praise Him with the sound of a trumpet and flute . Praise to the Lord with harps and organs , with loudly sounding cymbals , praise him with resounding cymbals , so that every breath may hear and praise the Lord ! Amen .
I have called you and you have come . I give you My word as your reward , and I lay a wedding table and I give you the forgiveness of your sins if you leave them and they leave you . And if you do not leave them , I will ask you as I know and then I will take away the evil from you , for what is not possible with man is possible with Me , for here I am , after two thousand years from My coming in flesh and word on earth , to put back to its place the communication between Me and man , the mystery hidden from the beginning for the end of the time . Amen .
Oh , My bride people give to the man My word upon you , when I speak with it from the garden of My word . Give to the man My calling after him . Give , son , to the man , give what I gave you when I took you from the world and I made you My people from My coming .
Oh , sons of the people , I have the manger of My word on this little patch of land . This little village is My Bethlehem of today , for I made My manger in it and I am being born as word in this manger and I become food for all those who try to come to the beginning , to My mystery from Paradise , when I was speaking with the man and the man with Me . You should not believe that if you make prayers to Me for you and for your people , you will make your returning to the mystery of the speaking between Me and man . First I spoke with the man and then the man spoke with Me . When the man speaks with the Lord , it does not mean speaking with God , when the Lord does not speak with the man , too . My speaking during this time is a sweet voice , in order to draw the man to Me and then to give him back what he has lost , for the man lost his communication between him and God . Blessed will be you , who are called to the Lamb ’ s wedding , if you do not forget His voice , which called you and still calls you to the wedding , if you do not hide . The man cannot hide , but he still hides , because it has come to his nature to commit this sin , which is to flee from God because of the sin he hides with . Oh , where shall the man hide ? He wants to forget that I am and I see , and this means hiding , and what the man does is sin . However , I have come on earth as word and I come into the man ’ s way and I call him towards his beginning .
Man , come to drink of the river of life ! Come and wash your face , your body and your spirit ! Come , for I come and I stay into your way to make you again and to give you back to the Father to show Him My work , My labor , looking for the man for seven thousand years .
Oh , sons , anointed with My new anointment at the end of the time ! Sprinkle with the water worked by Me through you all those who have come to the spring , to remain as a mark on them that they have come and drunk . I , the Lord , with the heavenly servants , will come into their way to help them , to rebuke them , reminding them of My voice , which calls the man to life . I have put at the gates the laws of the gardens of My meeting with the man , and blessed is the man who will put them on him in all his time until to My coming .