The Word of God in Romania 2001.06.09 - The Word of God at the Feast of the R | Page 4

2001.06.09 folk round dance with a slow rhythm in which dancers join their hands forming a closed circle; the circle which is formed by those that perform this dance; the melody by which this dance is performed. If you got in the hora you must play it (= if you started to do something, you must keep to it, r.n.)), the love between Bridegroom and bride, clean spouses, for where there is no love there is no sin, and it is on the day of wedding when the spouses are clean, for this is what the wedding day means, the love between Bridegroom and bride. The wedding of the world is the lie, which was put in the place of the wedding. And as for the wedding, here I am with it on the earth! I have spread Myself out with it from heaven to earth and I have made it into an eternal comfort over the man, only for the man to come and receive. Man, how sweet My calling is, your calling to Me! Oh, do not be afraid. If you are sinful and are afraid of Me, you should no longer be afraid of Me, and come, as the fear for the deed and the fear after the deed is a greater lawlessness before Me than the deed itself, and you become unjust with God both with your neighbor and with My neighbor. Each deed has to be assumed by the one that commits it, and if he flees because of its deed, he is blamed by his deed; the one who flees is blamed two times more. He, who confess his deed, does not hide from it and with it and for it, but on the contrary, he comes with it into the open to be known, and that one is right with God and with those around him, and no one can judge one like this, since he punished his deed by his own conscience that is shown to everybody. He does not flee from the atonement for his deed, but rather he punishes his deed by his own mouth and heart. It is better for the man to blame his own deed than the deed to blame the man. Who is afraid? The guilty one. If the guilty came back to Me, he would not have to be afraid. But he withdraws into himself, and that is why he is afraid. However, I have into My arms the comfort for the one who comes out from the dead to come to make him eternal, for the eternity comes on the earth, and the man does not believe what I tell him. The resurrection from the death is coming, and the man does not believe what I tell him by this word. The resurrection and the life of the age that is to be is coming and the man who will still live, will be like Me, for it is written: «We will be like Him, for we will see Him face to face». Amen. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.) The life of the age to be is the wedding that I want to establish on earth before the man. I establish it on the earth with you, My bride people, and My weary child, with whom I have driven and still drive the stake of the kingdom of the heavens into the earth, a new heaven and a new earth on the earth. Oh, I would not leave the days of My wedding with you! My love is hungry after the man and My sigh is deep, and it hurts Me deeply. I leave the wedding supper cleared for you, children of My coming. And I will visibly come soon, soon, I and the heaven, full of saints and angels, and then we will sit at the wedding table forever. Amen. Now, the spirit of My love is pouring out its bowl over those that have come to the spring, and I say to them: Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to you! I do not give it to you the way the world gives it to you. The world is My crown of thorns. The world is My pain and yours, wandering man. However, I give you the new wine and I comfort your being with My being, so that you may come into being, man, and for Me to be your Creator and your Master, for I make you free, because the truth is the man that is created by God. Amen. 4