The Word of God in Romania 2001.06.09 - The Word of God at the Feast of the R | Page 3

2001.06.09 you? Oh, how shall I take you easily so that you may receive Me and not hurt Me and not slap My hand if I want to work at your creation from Me? Your creation from now is not from Me and it is from you instead. The one who loves Me is the one who stays at his making. You have come down to the spring and I am this spring, the Son of the Father God and I speak to you with a heavenly voice and I try to teach you how to drink. The one who drinks is the one who comes to life. You have an image borrowed from My enemy and your enemy. Do no longer tell Me that you love Me, if you bear the image of the foreign one. I cannot be in your inner being if My enemy and yours appears with you outside of you, that is the world with its face, which has settled down on you image and it mocks it with an image foreign to God. Oh, wandering man, I have called you to see My bride and to receive a longing for the bride who waits for his Bridegroom. The evil spirit is the spirit of the world. I have called you to see My image and I have called you to see My bride people through whom I glorify Myself over the earth for you, the one who is wandering away from his Father. I bring you from time to time near My manger and from it I give you My word, which is born in it from My mouth. Oh, teach yourself to speak from heaven not from your heart, for your heart is not right with Me. You say that you have Me in your heart and you do not need to have Me outside of you too, in your appearance, and I tell you that even the devils believe in Me, but they do not submit to Me. Behold, the one who does not confess Me, that one is not on My side. Who can confess Me? The one who takes after Me, the one who is from Me. Amen. I deal with you easily, man that came to the spring, for I want to teach you to drink, and to drink usefully. That is why I call you. I call you to drink so that I may grow in you and for you to learn the love for God. My tear for you becomes a word of longing, which calls you under My tabernacle to stay with Me at the supper, at the wedding table, Romanian son. The longing for Me calls you, a longing as long as seven thousand years. I call you with comfort, for I do not want your pain, and rather I want your resurrection. Ask for Me. Or, do no longer ask for Me and here I am, for here I am in your way to take Me. Amen. Behold the good wine, the new wine, the wine of My wedding. Come to My wedding, you, doina singers of the Romanian people! (Doina – lyrical poetry specific to the Romanian folklore which expresses a feeling of longing, of mourning, of rebellion, of love, etc., being usually accompanied by an adequate melody; a musical variety of the folkloric Romanian cre- ation, characterized by its deep emotiveness and especially based on the feeling of longing, r.n.) The wedding of the world waves at you and My wedding looks after you. The love for God makes you come to be with Him, and the love of God makes you have Me for you. How- ever, I want to have you for Me, not for you, for I come soon, soon, and My wedding will be a feast forever, because the bride needs love, like her Bridegroom from heaven. My bride is My heaven on the earth in which I have prepared My bed. (A good example by Doina is: Doina mourning or Mocirita & Doina de jale by Gheorghe Zamfir, r.n.) Oh, bride people, I have prepared garments of wedding with My word and with your little hands, a garden with heavenly fragrances, a sweet tabernacle, a warm and holy pavilion, so that I may come with you out for a heavenly wedding and to comfort those who hear the noise of our wedding so that they may come to the wedding. Oh, My people, oh, My little bride, you are the little child, the one close to My coming, the little brother, who shares the wealth of his Father with all that are born ahead of him. Behold, I call out to the wedding. I want to remain only a wedding on earth and in heaven, (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) and to be caught in its hora all those who learn what love is, (Hora – Romanian 3