The Word of God in Romania 2001.02.18 - The Word of God on the Sunday in reme | Page 4

2001.02.18 making, the repentance for his life, the one for his comfort after it. The repentance after life does not have any comfort in it anymore, but it has only pain, pain forever. Man, remember the day of your making and come with it to your Creator. I have come with the gift the man’s making. I want to make the man. The man is not made by Me and that is why he cannot be with Me and with those from heaven, which give life. This kind of comforting I can give you, man: your making. Amen. There is no infant that his body and spirit do not hurt him, when he is born of his mother. Like his mother, the baby is hurt when he is born, because some- times he even cannot cry anymore, and after he is born, the pain stops immediately and the joy and peace begins. The man’s making hurts Me and I cannot make him for he flees from the pains of childbirth and he does not want to be born and he forgets the day of his making and does not come with it to Me to give it to Me, and then to make him. The pain of My coming is without limits, for the man does not allow to be made for My coming, and «I come to gather together all the nations, and I will separate one from another as the shepherds separate the sheep from the goats, and I will put the sheep to My right and the goats to My left», as I said two thousand years ago about My coming. I want to make the man. I want to put the one I made to My right. Amen. Man, remember the day of your making and come with it to your Creator, so that I may put you on My right in the day of the new making of the world. One hour and I will bring this mystery on earth, the mystery of incorruptibility, the new making of the world, when everything will be swallowed up by life forever and ever, when the righteous will go to eternal life and the sinful to eternal condemnation. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.) Man, you forsake God for your body. If you do this, you will lose your body and will take in into the eternal fire. Give Me your body to redeem it from the sin and from fire and to give it back to you forever, and to be able to go with it into the eternal happiness. This fire has burned you completely. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire”, r.n.) Give Me your body to save it from its fire and to make it again after the heavenly model and to give you back new, newly made, and to have it forever for you eternal life, for the comfort with which I will comfort those who will be found after My image and likeness at My coming for the redemption of their bodies, for the new making of the world, which is to come. Amen, amen, amen. 18-02-2001 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 4