The Word of God in Romania 2001.02.18 - The Word of God on the Sunday in reme | Page 3
I want to make the man. The man is not made by Me and that is why he cannot with Me.
Many a people want with Me and with My comfort but they are not made by Me. I comfort the
one who is made, the one who is made by Me. If he is not made, I do not comfort him; I do not
comfort him and he comforts himself instead, for he cannot if he is not comforted. The man flees
from repentance and he is looking for comfort instead, for if the man is loved or comforted, he
can, either for sin or for God, as the man chooses his way and his walking. If the man is not loved
and comforted and encouraged he becomes angry and throws is all down, because he says that he
cannot. He can by his good will, by help, by comfort and by sympathy. The man cannot only
through repentance.
Oh, the one made by Me is made out of repentance and then I take him and make him grow
with those that are true of the man’s life, with those that are refined through furnace, through fire.
This is how I test the man when I work at his building. I test him until I see what it is to be done,
until I refine him. Amen.
I want to make the man, for the man is not made by Me and I cannot begin with comforting
unless I make him. The birth of the new man is made by repentance and by the Holy Spirit,
by the word. The man is born of sin and through sin, and I want to take the man out of the sin and
to give him birth of the Holy Spirit, by his repentance and to give the man his birth from above,
for the man is born from below. (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and of the
woman”, r.n.)
Oh, I work hard at the man’s making; very hard, for the man is used with comforting, with
good will, not with the pain, which comes from repentance. The pain of repentance is the truest
comfort, for it gives birth to the man for heaven. But the man cannot this way. He wants Me to
give him birth out of comforting, for otherwise the man slaps My hand. The way the man wants
Me to make him is not making, and the man remains not made, if he does not like the real making.
I am ready to come to blow the last sound of the trumpet and to come and clothe everything
with life, with incorruptibility, and the man still does not stay for his making. I have come
with the incorruptibility garment to clothe the man with it, but I have to make the man for
this garment. Amen. (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery
of incorruptibility”, r.n.)
Nothing is more forgetful than man. Everything else that is made by Me does not forget
Me, and they do not forget to long for the day of their incorruptibility and everything is waiting
for the man to be made by God. However, the man is completely forgetful; he forgets about God
from hand to mouth and he forgets to take care of the day of his incorruptibility. Nothing is more
forgetful than man. The man forgets to give Me the day of his making. The man forgets about
repentance and flees from it as from the greatest sadness instead of running towards it as to the
day of his salvation, as to the garment of his incorruptibility. One hour and I will bring the
garment of incorruptibility on earth when everything will be swallowed up by life. Then the
man will no longer have the time ahead of him and repentance will be of no use to him, but
only for his condemnation forever. Repentance will be the man’s everlasting condemnation, if
the man does not use it before I come on earth with the garment of incorruptibility, when every-
thing will be swallowed up by life and eternity.
Oh, if the man knew that his true comfort is the repentance before My coming with the
man’s incorruptibility, he will remove every comfort from his way and will choose the day of his