The Word of God in Romania 2001.02.18 - The Word of God on the Sunday in reme | Page 2

and see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and much glory . And He will send His angels with a loud call of trumpet and they will gather His chosen ». Amen .
My word is the trumpet and its call , and I sit on the throne of My glory and send My word from margins to margins and I call the man to a life without sin , for sin is the man ’ s death , and I call the man from death to life ; I call the man to Me to give him My life , for the man to be this way . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ The apocalyptic trumpets ”, r . n .)
My coming becomes instruction for life . The one who has gathered knowledge on earth is self-conceited and does not reach out his hand to receive from Me . The one who does not have any humility cannot see ; he cannot look into this mystery , into My word , which comes to bring before him all the nations of the earth . Humility is the most beautiful gift in man , if the man has this gift , which makes him beautiful on earth and in heaven . It can make the man to be able to do everything in life , for the life has humility as its foundation . But what is humility ? It is the power from heaven of the beautiful man , the sweetest gift , which sweetens the man ’ s life , the holiest peace , the warmth , which warms up everything around , for it imparts around the quietness full of mystery and full of power . Only the intelligent man has got it , for it is the wisdom itself , which makes the man wiser and which gives life from the life to the man . It lifts up the man on the heights of its knowledge and the man gets rich from it . No man can prosper between heaven and earth more than the man who has this gift : humility . The one who has got it is protected from every evil , for the evil is not attracted by the one who has it , for it is a protective weapon , which does not harm the evil but it keeps it far away so that it may not hurt . It keeps the man clean and holy , for its gifts are of the light and are light from Light . Oh , the man does not stop near this wealth , for the man is self-conceited . The man does not like holiness , and the humility is the spring of holiness . Come , you , people , come to its spring , and you will be fruitful afterwards . I have come to call you to Me , and to put before you the gift of humility , the spring of holiness , for the heavenly life has humility as its foundation , the power that makes the man to be able to live . Amen .
My coming calls out every man to it , for it is written : « All the nations will come together before Him », but My word of that time adds more to it and says : « He will separate one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats , and He will put the sheep to His right and the goats to His left ». Amen . My coming urges the man to My right hand , but the darkness from the world brings carelessness to the man and it lies to him that the Lord is not coming . And even if the Lord is not coming , than does the man have to stay in darkness ? The greatest darkness is sin , and the darkness is from hell . If the Lord does not come with the heaven , then the hell is on earth .
Why does the man really say that the Lord is not coming ? To have time for sin ? That is why he says so ? The pain of My coming is without limits , for the one , who says to the man that the Lord is not coming , is the very one who has become a minister into My name over the people . He says : “ No one knows when the Lord ’ s Day is coming . However , it will come as a thief . No one knows it but Father . And not even the Son knows this ”. Behold , this is how the servant man repeats it into My name ; this is how he tells it to the man , and the man remains in darkness , for I said : « The night is coming when no one can work ».
Oh , no one works My coming any more . No one speaks about it any longer . No one . No one wants Me to come . The man does not even want to hear something like that , for he loves the darkness and he loves the sin .