The Word of God in Romania 2000.01.07 - The Word of God at the feast of Nativ | Page 3

2000.01.07 .
not thrill with this mystery and stays still in his sins but he is judged by My birth from the Virgin and from the Mother forever a Virgin . I came from heaven on the earth to forgive the man and to raise him for the heaven but the man does not repent . Oh , he , who does no longer sin , is the one who repented of his sins by his union with Me , becoming one flesh with Me . The man does not repent otherwise .
Where , really ? Sons from the garden , where shall I find on the earth a man to live in the spirit of repentance , in the spirit of humility , in the humility of his mind before Me ? Oh , where shall I look to find out , to find a man to My liking ? Repentance is the new birth of the man , so that the man may be afterwards and to have a house in him . However , the man constantly drives Me out of his surroundings and he is judged by My birth of a mother forever Virgin . It is for this that I came two thousand years ago , for the man is born of the man and through the man , and he is not like Me . But I came to show him the way from earth to heaven and to meet him on My way from heaven to earth and to bring him with Me from heaven on earth and for the man to be from heaven as it is written : « He who is not born of above that one will no longer be ». Oh , where shall I look on the earth to see a man after My image and likeness , and to see a man the same way I created the first man by My own hand ? I lament and say : where ? Where , really ? Now , after two thousand years ago , behold , I come , and I come again , and again I am destitute of the man . The man sing Me , calls Me , and comes together into My name , but he is far away from My image and from My likeness ; the man is too far away from his first creature .
I was happy when I made the first built man , and I was waiting for My rest and peace in him after I made everything for him by the word . Then he arose above Me and his fall was long and great . And I got up to come after him and placed him with Me in his own house , as it was the mystery of the man ’ s redemption , they mystery that I worked it two thousand years ago , at My birth from My Mother , forever Virgin .
I want to touch the man ’ s heart bringing out My Spirit before him . I am a mystery not perceived by angels , and when the angels hear My word , they stand hosts by hosts and feed on My mysteries waiting for their perfect fulfillment by My coming with a new heaven and a new earth over the earth . Amen .
You , sons from the manger , you should neither be afraid and nor those who live like you on the earth , feeding on My manna which passes through the garden which carries you . Do not be afraid of what the people are afraid . I am the Saint of the Lord into your midst and knead with you a new age and the life of the age to be . Amen . Strengthen My birth in you , and keep My manger warm , sons . The nest , from which new beings will come out , has to be always warm , so that the seed and the life of the seed may not get cold . Warm up My nest , for I breathe on it with the breath of My mouth , with which I always stay over you .
Make bread , sons . I am the bread , which comes down from heaven for the man ’ s life . Give this bread to the poor , for the rich ones taste it and spit it out , and they do not give their bread on this bread . However , you should feed on this bread until the hour of the day of My coming with the saints on the earth , and stand for My welcome with My manger from you . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ The coming in a visible way ”, r . n .)
My mother , the Virgin , sweetens your spirit with her spirit full of longing for My coming to you , and it will be soon , soon , for us to celebrate an endless feast , of new age , in the