The Word of God in Romania 2000.01.07 - The Word of God at the feast of Nativ | Page 2
together and increase their own glory and give gifts and names to one another saying to one
another that they got together for the anniversary of My birth in Bethlehem. They are glad
and I sigh in heaven with the Father and the saints, for there it is not about My glory, and
people use Me for the glory of their own name and do nothing but pave the way for the
antichrist’s enthronement everywhere I worked and left My marks as a witness against
those who used God’s name for their human glory. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist
and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) Here, after two thousand years, I am good for the man of
nowadays only for his glory, but not for Mine. I do not rejoice over this kind of celebrations;
rather I rejoice over the celebration of My coming with those who love Me with their holy
life, and spend time and rejoice with them. Now the angel stands ready to blow into the light
of the great people’s delights that make a name for themselves among people, lifting them-
selves up with a human glory, a glory that passes away like grass.
Here is the lie. It spreads out from margins to margins. Here it is: «The woman sitting
on a scarlet-colored beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns,
with a cup full of abominations and impurities of her sexual immoralities and on her fore-
head a secret name was written: Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes and of the
abominations of the earth, drunken with the blood of the saints and with My martyrs. And
she will come out from the abyss and will go to destruction for all are finished», and so it is
written. The voice of My angel h as always been crying: «Get out of it My people lest you share
in her sins and receive of her beatings». Her sins got to heaven and we will give her back as
she gave to us; we will give her a double portion. We will pour out twice as much in the cup
which she poured out for us. She is an empress and I am her Judge. The kings of the earth who
made her will, shall beat their chest saying: “Woe to her!” and heaven will rejoice and the
saints, the apostles and prophets will see My righteousness on their side, as it is written in the
Scriptures. Amen.
The great people of the earth got together to keep a feasting for My birthday in Bethle-
hem, but after two thousand years since My birth among people, here, I am coming again,
and do not find any holy man on earth, a man to celebrate Me, the Holy One. That is why
I have been hiding Myself and working secretly and preparing My coming in glory on earth
against lying which wants to become a christ for man, a false christ, who deceives everyone by
his coming, great and small, rich and poor, slaves and free, kings and soldiers, baptized and not
baptized, for a lie is a lie, like man. But I sound the word, so that My coming may be heard and
here they are all, for they are hiding into the caves and rocks for fear of My coming as it is
written in the Scriptures about My coming.
I am being born a word in My manger from the middle of Romania, the country of the
brightness, the place of My returning after two thousand years, the place of the new birth of
the world. I will renew all My creation and the man for I said: «I make them all new». Amen.
All the great are caught into the trap of their greatness and no one is with My greatness, with
the greatness of My saints, and he, who is not holy, will no longer be. Amen. I make everything
new, as at the beginning of the creation. The breath of My mouth gives birth as in the beginning,
for it is written about Me: «He said and it was made». Amen. I work mysteriously as two
thousand years ago. I gave the Virgin to be engaged in order to be protected from death, for in
Israel, the immoral had to be killed with stones. Who was to understand the mystery of My
birth from the Virgin? No one understands it even today, for if they understood, they would be
frightened of My birth from the Virgin, whose virginity was not spoiled by the birth. The man
goes to church and sings saying: „Rejoice, you Mother, forever a Virgin!”, but the man does