The Word of God in Romania 1998.03.22 - The Word of God on the third Sunday o | Page 4

1998.03.22 that I told you to do? Answer Me, sons! Your answer will be doing of the things where I put you to do. Oh, sons, do not go hungry of God. Do not remain uneaten. Eat this food all day and all night. The saints have been waiting day and night for food from your little mouths, as the saints are hungry after My mysteries, which I put in you from Me. Become miracle for the saints; became church of the saints, as the saints want to be glorified through you with their glory, which they have from Me for the worship that they brought before Me. Sons, sons, I long for your spirit of togetherness, as where you are got together in your spirits, there I am also; to rejoice and to make you glad, giving Myself over to you with the spirit of the comfort, which I promised to those who are holy. The one who does not speak within the spirit, that one sleeps within his spirit and is alone, and it is not good for the man to be alone. I have spoken to you about the mystery of the church, so that the man of the church of the world may hear and do My will like you. Sons, sons, so many joys have been waiting to be perfected through you, for you and for many, who have been waiting for the reward of their worshipping to Me! I am the Lord, Who bows before you, as worship means bowing; it means love, it means to do the will of the one you love, to what is good and godly on the earth. I am with a heavenly supper among you and with a feast of saints, to teach you, like a God, the work of worship. Do not forget My teaching, for the one who does not do what I teach him is the one who forgets, and the one who does according to My word, is the one who teaches others to worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I have spoken to you to learn to be teachers over the earth, and to have disciples as I had, and for Me to take and make them into the sons of God, true worshippers, day and night before Me, for I am coming to put My glory over those who are pleasant to Me. Amen, amen, amen. 22-03-1998 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 4