ceased to be , and everything of the world which was made for the man . But the Father ’ s compassion was great , and it made You come down in me , and out of me You came down among the people , and You came down from the people , for I was among the people like a ladder of Your coming down from heaven on earth . You made just one single step from heaven to earth : from Father in me and from me on the earth , but the man , Son , hardly comes to be with You . You became such an easy way for the man who wants to be in heaven , and with the heaven on the earth , and with You , Son , on earth and in heaven . Oh , You are the way , and You are not hidden , but no one sees Your way anymore , and no one sees You anymore , eternal Son , for those who see have Your eye , and You are the eye of those who see .
The man has to make one single step up to heaven : from him in You and from You in heaven , as You made Your step towards the hidden man , for the fallen one is the hidden one , and the hidden one is the fallen one . You are the Man that came down from heaven and the first fruit for the birth of the new man , for it is written : « no one ascended in heaven but only the One Who descended from heaven to take the man in heaven », and to be fulfilled Your word that You spoke about , that « the one who is not born from above cannot enter the kingdom of the heavens ». You came from above , from heaven , so that the man may be born of You , and how humbly You spoke to the one whom You said : « He who is not born from above cannot be from above ». You were the One Who came from above , so that the men may have the heaven close to them and to be born from above , from heaven , from You , heavenly Son , Son born from heaven on the earth .
It is the feast of Your birth into the middle of Your people and it is the feast of my glory , for the entire heaven glorifies me , as the one who gave birth to God among the people , according to the word of the prophecies of the heaven . Oh , heavenly Son , born of me , You took the earth into Your hands after You made the heaven and the earth , and You looked at Yourself and made Your image out of the earth and gave it Your likeness , and then You also gave him spirit of Your Spirit , and out of the image made by You from the earth , You made a living being , the breathing spirit of Your Spirit upon him and in him , and You called him man in Your image and after Your likeness ; and then You took a handful of flesh from his body deified by You by Your spirit and living breath , and made the woman to be a helper for the man , and out of the womenfolk You took me to be Your helper now , when You came down to the people , in order to take them back into heaven , as the man is Your work from the beginning . Who can understand what that word of Yours is , when You said to make a suitable helper for the man ? The woman was supposed to help the man for his ascending back into heaven , into Eden , into God ’ s kingdom , at the fullness of the time of the kingdom of God , and I , dear Son , have fulfilled that word of Yours , and I was a suitable helper for You , for the salvation of the lost man from Your kingdom , from his kingdom , and for You to give him back the kingdom and to be king , and to be , for a king is only the one who is .
Adam gave names to all the living creatures with a breath of life in them , but he did not find a suitable helper for himself , for later , the man who came out of the man brought the animals as a reconciliation sacrifice before You , but the man did not get up from his fall , as this help through sacrificed animals was not suitable for him , and his help came through the woman , as Your word was , Son , God and Word , You , Who work in the end as in the beginning . And You came , the symbol of the new man , the One born in heaven and born from heaven by the Virgin . You came , my Son and Bridegroom , and You left Your Father and joined with me and were in my body . You became one flesh with me , so that You might come out as the new first fruit and the beginning of the new man , a born man not a created man , to redeem those that are not born , born of the two men , Adam and his woman , and to come with the man to Your first work , on which You bestowed the man as king .