The Word of God in Romania 1998.01.08 - The Word of God at the Synod of the L | Page 2

against My Father , but rather , as a son full of love for My Father , I said : „ Father , You know what is to be done , and I am one with You , Father , and I am of the same being with You and of the same will with You , Father . I will go on to the earth and I will become Man in the image and after the likeness of the man that is passing away in his body , and then I will come again near You , but I will also remain with them too , with those that I will have from You on the earth among the people . I will come back again into heaven with much more love for the people , as I will clothe Myself in pain and love for the man , for I will always see the pain of the people and their wish after the happiness that the man lost . And then Father , We will work with all the heaven from the sky and with the one from the earth , and We will fulfill the work of the new heaven and new earth , as it was the word of the prophecies of the heavenly Scriptures on the earth , and We will set the redeemed man back to his place , which was made by Us for him , Father , and then We will come into the rest that has been waited for seven ages , for the man ’ s disobedience has drawn upon Us the burden of the pain of his ages , for the man has always prolonged Our pain , Father ”.
Oh , My mother , this is what I said to My Father when He told Me that I would come down in you and then out of you among the people , a Man come down from heaven on the earth . If I had received the body like the man ’ s , the people would have not even believed that I came from the Father , for the people think humanly and not spiritually , and the people need a new birth , mother .
− Oh , my sweet Son , You are the model of the new man , the one born of the man , but a new man , dear Son . You are of the royal origin , as I descended from the family of David , the king , of the God ’ s people , dear Son . It is a great thing for the man to be of a great family , of noble birth , but here what a pain on the earth , as the greatest family on the earth , the family of God , the people of Israel and of David , the chosen people from among the nations , crucified You , Son of a royal family , for it was to You that the Father promised the throne of David , which he had from the Father Sabaoth , and it was for this throne that Your people crucified You , Son , the heir of the heavenly throne on the earth . It was for this that You said that the people want to rule over the earth ; in fact they want to rule even in heaven , for look what earth is . The people , who say that are Your people , are the people of the church from the world , and no one on the earth is able to see and know which Your throne on the earth is , Son King , the One Who knows and comprises everything that are before and after the ages , as this is what it means to be King ; omniscient King over those from under His dominion .
I look , dear Son , to see the ages ; I look with You , not without You , for You are my eye ; You are the eye of those which are not seen . I look and see living people and dead people , who call and called themselves emperors and kings , and they also called themselves masters over the earth and heaven , Son , but the feeble ones cannot be kings , and they know that they cannot . It is true that the man cannot be king , it is true , but the man does not know what this truth is . Adam , the man made by You after Your model , Son , was afterwards king over everything that is made by You for him , but when he hid from His Creator , from His Benefactor , he ceased to be any longer , and it no longer was , for he who is , only in God is , and the one without God is no longer . Only the one who is can be king , but the people do not know what it means a king-man . The throne of king is a throne of king during the whole time of the king , for there is not a throne otherwise , and if the king dies and has no longer life , there is also no longer a throne . If the people from under heaven killed its King , then His throne is also no longer , as He is also no longer . If the king man kills his Creator , that one there is no more , as the one without God there is not any longer , but the King is forever and is Who He is . Adam was the only king , but when he hid from You , Son of the Father and Creator of the first man , then he ceased to be any more , and through him every living being also