The Word of God in Romania 1997.06.22 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | 页面 4

1997.06.22 being born into it, for the work of the Lord, which was in it even since 1921, when the first apocalyptic trumpet came down from heaven and called on the earth, and it was given to a holy man, who was chosen and prepared by God to be a waking trumpet on the earth for him. The Lord took a man with the name of Joseph (Joseph Trifa – 03.03.1888-12.02.1938, r.n.) from the priests of the church, and had him speak a heavenly word among the people, and he gathered many disciples and made a heavenly work in them, but the men from the church murdered him giving him over to Caesar, (Communist dictatorship, r.n.) as they did not believe that he was chosen by God. And another angel came down from heaven and called on the earth, and he gave the trumpet to a shepherd to sound it on the earth the words of God on the people (Petrache Lupu – 14.10.1907-14.12.1994, r.n.). And there came down other three angels in a row and called on the earth, and they gave their trumpets to a priest, (Arsenie Boca – 29.09.1910 – 28.11.1989, r.n.), and to another priest, (Ioan, from the monastery Vladimireşti – 26.06.1922-17.05.2008, r.n.), and they gave another one to a little child from the church, (Nun Veronica, from Vladimireşti – 26.08.1922–14.09.2005, r.n.); and they also sounded their trumpet to prepare the coming of the sound of the sixth trumpet, the coming of the Lord to prepare it. And before the sixth trumpet, another angel came down from heaven and called on the earth and gave me the trumpet and I sound it, and I was God’s trumpet, the sixth trumpet, (See The Life of Saint Virginia, r.n.) which the Scriptures write about: «And the sixth angel sounded, and then a voice was heard from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before God; a voice from the heavenly tent, a voice from the temple of the heaven, to call the people to repentance, as the Lord comes to sound the sixth trumpet, for the Lord comes to sound the sixth trumpet, as there is no more time. And in the days when the seventh angel speaks, when the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, then the mys- tery of God is accomplished and there is no more time». Amen, amen, amen. Oh, Lord, I speak from You on the earth, and I speak with You from the Scriptures, Lord, so that the people from the earth may understand Your Scriptures, and to make the people under- stand and to believe Your word and to be born from above, as Your word is from above, Lord. Amen. − Oh, Verginica, oh, Verginica, oh, Verginica, people wonder where My trumpets were. I took them all from the church and I put them to call upon the churches. And why over the church? Oh, Verginica, antichrist is not in the world, but he is in the church; he is near Me to fight against Me. Behold, Caesar, also called Herod, (The communist dictatorship, r.n.), used the church servants; he used those, who sold their sheep, (The collaborators of the secret service of the dictatorship of the communist red beast, r.n.); they sold them to Caesar to be imprisoned and that the antichrist to get rid of My good sheep, so that he may rule in My church. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) And that is why I chose you from an igno- ble birth, so that I may let down My richness for the sheep, for if I had gone to the people of the church again, they would have closed My word up, as they closed some of those that I choose from among them to sound the trumpet, as they also closed you, giving you over to Caesar to imprison you. Caesar did not understand what I was doing with you, but the people of the church knew the word of My judgment and they hid, as they were naked before Me. The people of the church were and are antichrists, who stand against My word, and they call Me a false prophet within this work of trumpeting. Caesars had their own mission and the people of the church, who wanted to get rid of the strong and healthy sheep, so that they might not believe and to take their place, went to Caesars and told them other things than those from Me by My vessels, as it was with you, Verginica. Now, Caesar became a believer (After the anticommunist revolution in 1989, when on December 25, the dictator Ceauşescu was condemned and executed by shooting, r.n.), and he set himself in fear of God, and the people of the church have no longer got a prison for My sheep, and 4