by sin they were separated in two bodies , as the two were one body . The man on the earth does no longer have wisdom , as the man is born of the man , and You said that he , who will not be born of the heaven , from above , will no longer have and will not be a son of the kingdom of the heavens . The man on the earth knows otherwise ; he knows that the sin of the man ’ s union with the woman joins the two , so that they may be one body . The man did not understand the heavenly mystery of this word that says : « The two will be both one flesh ». Adam did not understand it either , when he spoke this word , for if he understood it like God , the two , who were one flesh , would have not been separated by the sin .
Oh , Lord , the man finds these words in the Scriptures and he does not understand Your mystery in Your church , as the apostle Paul understood it , for he said so : « The husband should love his wife even as Christ also loved His church and gave Himself up for it , and He gave Himself up to it that He might sanctify it , having cleansed it by the washing of water with the word , and that He might present it to Himself as a married church , not having any spot or wrinkle or any such thing , but holy and without blemish . Even so ought husbands also to love their own wives as their own bodies , as he who loves his own wife loves himself , for no man ever hated his own flesh ; but nourishes and cherishes it , even as the Lord also does the church , because we are members of His body , of His flesh and bones . For this cause a man will leave his father and mother , and will be joined to his wife . The two will become one flesh ». And Paul also said : « This mystery is great in Christ and in the church ».
Oh , Lord , I speak with You from the Scriptures to make the people understand the mysteries of the Scriptures , Christ and His church , male and female , and Paul said that the sons of the church are of Your flesh and of Your bones , Lord , Your wife , Your bride , Lord . The sons of the church are those who are born of Your Body and Blood and are alive and without sin as You are , Lord , as any perfect disciple will be like his teacher , one flesh with him , the same flesh , Lord . The man born of the man does no longer know what God in man means , as the sin separated the people from You , as the sin separated Adam from Eve , who were both one flesh . If the union of the man with his wife had been from You , as it is on the people , why would You have expelled the man that You created in the beginning from Paradise and from heaven ? Oh , there are no longer teachers from heaven on the earth ; there are no longer prophets from You on the earth , as all are one flesh and belly and sin , and no one is truly flesh of Your flesh and bone of Your bone and to be alive . But we have come out into the middle of the people with a feast of word , to teach the people the way of the kingdom of heavens to them . I have come on the earth with a feast and I have come with all the saints . ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God ”, r . n .)
When I came from earth into heaven to You , Lord , then I understood Your mystery with me , as You wanted me to be born among the people on a Sunday , and then it was the Sunday of all saints and all the saints left their gifts upon me , so that the saints may be word in me with You and so that the angels may sound the sixth trumpet in me , Lord . Oh , the people ask about the other trumpets , of those until me .
Oh , people , I give you the peace of the Lord ! I do not give it to you as the world gives . I give it to you from heaven , not from the world . The world gives you lies . There is only lying in the world , for the ruler of this world has nothing in the Lord , as he had nothing in me as well . No one could take my life , but I gave it up as I received this commandment from the Lord .
Oh , people , this country is a great mystery , and it is written about it in the Scriptures and it is called the country of the brightness ; it is called so because the word of the Lord , which is