The Word of God in Romania 1997.04.20 - The Word of God at the Feast of the L | Page 2

comes to suffer for the man , and He will throw the city down and it will be hard until the end . But I will come in the end and I will make a covenant with many in one week , and many of those , who sleep in the dust of the earth , will rise and the wise people will give light ». And Daniel was praying , saying : « Master , when ?». But I answered him : « Daniel , all these words are sealed until the end , and in the end many will be cleansed , whitened and cleared , and no one among those without law will understand My words , but only the wise people will understand , for the wise people keep aside from the way of the lawlessness and they stay only with the Holy Spirit , the Counselor of the wise people . And you , Daniel , you will get up and you will receive your inheritance in the time of the end . Amen ».
I had the sons of My word intercede for you , for your resurrection , oh , Romania country , My wedding country , the country of the brightness prophesied by the prophet Daniel . I come to you as the word of the Holy Spirit , and I come to make a reconciliation agreement with you . I come from the Father and I have a manger in you , and I am being born as word and I feed you with My hidden mysteries , as you were the one under the cross , but I have loved you since your birth and I have lifted you up and I chose you as My country , and I gave you birth of Me and I gave you My name and I called you Christian , after My name , by the one sent to you ( The St . apostle Andrew , r . n .) with a little garment of baptism , with water and with the Holy Spirit , and I called you Romanian , the people of My country . And I have watched over you in joy and sorrow and I have protected you to be and to have you , as Father gave you to Me at the same time with My birth , giving you birth of Me . Your story is beautiful in heaven , and here is what I do : I come as word on your land and I write your mystery to you , and I become book in you and I write with you My story and I announce you as Mine , so that every nation on the earth may hear that you are the fulfillment for My coming . ( See „ History of Romania part 1 to part 16 ” https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = Xjj0j-7ZvkM , r . n .)
But you have a knot in you , oh My country , and I have come to removed it from you . I enter on a white horse as in Jerusalem and I become word upon you , and I work by My word and I break your binding that is on you . You have been brought under the law because of your iniquities , for the one who sins , is punished by the law . Seventy weeks of years are over you , since I have put the bond over you , for it is written : « If one of the citadel sins , the whole citadel suffers from this iniquity ». And after four hundred and ninety years , as this is what it means about those written into the book of Daniel , about those seventy weeks , I have come to you and I declared upon you to untie the knot put over you for such a long time , and hearing you did not hear , but I have worked and I untied your knot . And now I come and I tell you what I have done for you , My country , My loved one under the cross . I have built a new stone , a new vine , a new branch . I gave you a little white stone , and I wrote on it with My own hand : « The Word of God », and no one understands what is written on it , « no one but the receiver », as it is written into the Scriptures ; no one but the people of My word , into whose midst I have become a book for you , My country , to bless you and to lift you up from the dust little by little , as it is written that « I will rise many from the dust of the earth : some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment ».
I gave birth from My word to a people in you , and I have chosen My bride from you , My country . I made a clean church in you , a church after My will , and not after the man ’ s will , as the lawlessness from the church has been pressing hard on Me , and I needed a church with holy and complete members , with a clean body , which is called My church . ( See the selection topic : „ The true church ”, r . n .) I raised a clean people in you for Me , a living church , so that I may have with what to work absolution on you . And now I have come into the midst of the multitudes from you