The Word of God in Romania 1997.04.20 - The Word of God at the Feast of the L
The Word of God 1 at the Feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem 2
The absolution of the curse of St. Nifon, in the city of Târgovişte. The prophet Daniel sees
the fulfillment of his prophecy about the seventy weeks of years (490 years: 1507-1997; chapter
9/24). The Patriarch Nifon declares from heaven the absolution of the curse pronounced by him
in 1507 over the city of Târgovişte, as a result of the iniquities committed in the city with the will
of the lord of the country, the woivode Radu.
I am, and I am called the Word of God, as it is written: «He comes with the clouds and
with the tens of thousands of saints, and His name is called the Word of God». (Apoc: 19/13,
r.n.) Amen.
I am the One Who is. I come from heaven on earth and I become word and Bridegroom, as
the Lamb’s wedding came, and His bride is ready. Blessed are those who are called to the Lamb’s
wedding supper. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.)
I am the Great Bishop, Who passed through the heavens and suffered among the people
and with the people, being tempted in every way possible like the people, yet without sin. I did not
take this honor alone, but My Father gave it to Me, as it is written: «You are My Son; Today I
have begotten You. You are Priest forever in the order of Melchizedek».
I am the One Who is, but the people, which I came through from My Father, did not receive
Me as My Father’s messenger, and as a result, I went to the gentiles of the earth, and My Father
gave Romania to Me since My birth, to be the country of My coming back with the clouds,
the country of the glory of the last days, for as I ascended to My Father, the same way I will come;
I come with the clouds and with the tens of thousands of saints, and I come, coming. Amen. (See
the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.)
I come to you, the country of My wedding, as I have you from My Father to be the country
for My coming back among the people. Receive Me! I come as word to you, as I have the people
of My word into your midst, a warm manger in which the Word of God is being born from above,
and Which comes with the clouds, like the bird which makes its nest at the eaves of a house, where
it lays down its chickens to breed and to feed them, crossing the air and coming, flying up and
down, flying down and up and then coming down again to feed her chickens, to grow and teach
them to fly up into the sky. I am the One Who is. I come with the clouds to you, My country of
wedding: «I come with the saints on the white horse, and hosts from heaven come after Me
riding on white horses, and the word comes out of My mouth, and on My thighs; and on My
coat I have a written name: „The king of Kings and the Lord of the Lords”», as it is written into
the Scriptures that I come. (See the selection topic: „The white apocalyptic horse”, r.n.)
When I had to lift up Jerusalem again, which was ruined because of its sins, I heard a calling
from the earth, to come and save Israel oppressed by the reward of its iniquities. I heard Daniel,
who reminded Me of My promises for Israel, confessing before Me the sins of his people, and
humiliating himself for Israel, and I came down to him and declared: «Seventy weeks are decreed
on Jerusalem until the lawlessness will overcome its limitations, until the Holy One of the Saints
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A., r.n.