The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C | Page 6

1996.12.04 not be forced by God. I want the man to be for Me like one of his gifts. I want that My gift from man to be the man himself. The gift is not out of obligation, and rather it is out of love. Giving is obligation, not the gift. I gave gifts to the man so that he may be able to see Me in him with them and that the man may love Me in him glorifying Me in him by My gifts in him. Oh, and the man took pride in it and reached out his hand and said that it is him. Look, sons, to the sons of the people and believe this truth: the man took pride in it and reached out his hand and said that it is him. He reached out his hand and took of the fruit of the knowledge and said that it is him, but I am the science, and the man threw Me down from My throne; he overthrew Me and sat himself on it; he sat on it through the sin of haughtiness. I made the man to be free, to give himself to Me as a gift and to have him; to have the work of My hands; to have My word and to rejoice over it and to rest in it. I told the man to love Me as his God, and he reached out his hand and took what is Mine and stole himself from Me; he pulled himself out of Me; he pulled himself out of his root. I was the root of the man, and the man became root for himself, and I came from the Father as root in the Virgin, to take the man back into the root, so that God may be the root of the man. The Father of mercy sent Me; He sent Me because of His compassion for man, to become root and to spring up into a new man and to take the man into My body, so that the man may grow up out of Me, into a new body and a new spirit. My Father sent Me as root in the Virgin. Oh, mother Virgin, the root of your Son, I took root in you from the Father, so that I may have a root in man, to be the man’s root, a heavenly root from the Father, as I came as a root from the Father in you, mother Virgin, loved mother, My love, My mother, My loved Virgin, Virgin bride! Oh, how shall I sing you to put to shame those who did not listen to your word which said: «All the nations will bless me!»? You are celebrated in Israel. You are the man, who I took root in, to spring up from man; and this way I made man anew, and the man has no brains and do