The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C | Page 5

in Me and in My will upon the man . My people are a fallow land with a treasure in it . Sell your possessions and buy this fallow soil and be rich in God . My people has the word of life in its midst ; it has Me as the word and body , and the saints and angels serve the small one who believes , and he can with Me , for everything is possible for the one who believes . If I am into its midst , you should no longer doubt of his life , of his anointment . I have worked subjecting Myself to you . I took from your midst a bishop , a witness of My new work upon the old man , to make a new man , born by the word from above and you did not believe Me that I came as a word upon the earth and as a fulfillment of the word for a new beginning of a new age upon Romania , the country of My coming back to the people . ( See the selection topic : „ Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan ”, r . n .) Oh , you did not believe ! Rather you put into your prison the one who testified My word ’ s growing , the one who made a church for Christ on earth . Behold , this is how you judged Me ; this is how you knew Me , not knowing Me . But I still knock . I knock and knock again at the gates of your church , bishops and priests of today ’ s church from Romania . I also knock at the gates of Romania and I knock at your gates too . I knock and knock again . I knock to be opened for Me , and I will not jump over the gates , for the good shepherd enters the gate , not over the sheepfold . Romania is the sheepfold of My sheep , the sheep given to Me by My father , and I come to shepherd them with an iron staff , with the word of God which is shepherding the ones who want and the ones who do not want , for the river flows , and the river of life runs dry . The river of the everlasting word flows and overruns , and the one who believes has an everlasting and not a judged life . Amen .
Oh , the Liturgy is supposed to be holy , for it is written : « Do this for My remembrance , for My remembrance in you ». It does not have to be worked by those without brains , for the man who has brains is the one who knows nothing but God in his living . It is only this way that a man has brains , for the man should know nothing but this : God resting in him ; image and likeness in man .
Whether you wanted or not , whether you believe it or not , listen to the word of God Who enters the gates . I do not humble before you , bishops and priests of today ’ s church , and at My humility which cries out at the gates , the gates will fall down , and I will come in to the sheep and shepherd them , for look , I am already shepherding them , and they hear My voice and open to Me and I have a fresh supper with My sheep and they with Me , bread from heaven , the word of God . Amen .
Israel , dear son , who receives Me to come , I spoke to the shepherds that hate you . I have spoken to them again and again that you are good , and if you do not have any guilt before them , it is because I took your guilt away . I told them to open for Me too , so that I may come in with the light of My word , and to you as well ; to give life to everybody , son , as they say , when say : „ Peace to everyone !” I said otherwise . I said « Peace to you !» and they say „ Peace to everyone !” But , if My peace is what they give , then My peace does not give itself but only to those that love My peace . I said : « Peace to you !». This is what I said when I said it . But I also said otherwise . I also said : « Woe to you !» and I did not say „ Woe to everyone !” but I also said « Woe to you !» when I said so . I was speaking this way to those that were haughty , who did not receive My peace , My word in them .
The people who pretend that know about God ask one another and say : „ Why did we allow the man to take from the fruit of the knowledge if he did not have to take ?”
Oh , sons , you too , sons of the people , I did not create the man to become slave , but to have freedom instead , as I want the man to love Me , and by his love to submit to God and