The Word of God in Romania 1995.09.27 - The Word of God at the Feast of the A | Page 5
(Catholic Church, r.n.) because the foreign sons took your garment away and sold it and left you
naked, and behold, you drink the cup of your sister and suffer from your iniquity. The foreigners
come in to you and you dress out for them and make your eyes with make-ups, and I have come
to call you out, for you deceive Me as a woman deceives her husband. I do not want you to be
judged by the law of the prostitutes and that is why I call you out: come back and do not do as
your elder sister did; do not do as Israel did; do not do with Me as the Jews did.
Oh, Orthodoxy, I have started a fire into your midst and I will burn your transgressions into
it. Come back to your holy fathers, those that sacrificed themselves for you. Come back, you, seed
of Judas, as I came out of this seed, and I have let priesthood and prophecy into it, and behold,
what I left is no longer clean, and what I left into My vineyard is sold on a price of debauchery.
He, who violates the law that I let over My flock, is blind; that one becomes blind, blind in the
spirit. I know that you believe that I am in the word and that I call out to you, but you are sorry
when you see that I want to separate you from your evil will. You are ashamed of your nakedness
and it is hard for you to prepare in holiness, man of the worldly church, as you do not want
to belong to the Lord. You are ashamed to lose your seat that you sit on without My calling.
Who chose you to serve God? And if your bishops chose you, why do not serve God? Oh, the
row of the anointed, from anointed to anointed, have been broken several times, and you put the
man off with fine words to make him believe that you are My anointed, that you are My chosen
one, and to have him given you his tithe, and behold, you spend it on lusts, as Israel did. The man
pays for you to put him into the grave; and he also pays for it. When I raised Lazarus from
the dead I did not ask for payment. I raised him from the dead, and I did not bury him, and
I still did not take any payment. This is what it means to be God’s elected one for the people;
not for the man to pay you because you baptize him, because you marry him or because you
give him communion with God. What else shall I pay you if I were to give you for you work for
Me? I do not pay the man with money. I pay the man who serves God with salvation, and here
is the parable of the vineyard, which brings forth sour grapes. Those in the vineyard break My
head when I come from the Father to search out the vineyard, and behold, the Sower Who sows
the seed finds stone, a trampled path and a dry soil; He does not find good soil for sowing, for the
man has much to work and has no time for heavenly seed. I will go and call out to the man of
Caesar; I will go to tell him that I come and that I make My way to come, and I will call out
Romania and I will work with a sweet word, as a God.
Oh, Romania, become My country. Romania, do you really not want to be Christian? Chris-
tians fast from those that are not blessed, from the wicked things. Christian love; they love hu-
mility and God’s image in them and the poorness in the spirit, so that they may be happy. Chris-
tians love the Lord’s works on the earth. Christians listen to God and fear the Lord and obey.
Oh, Romania, My people, which I feed in your midst, honor Caesar with the honor that is
due to Caesar, as it is written into the Scriptures. Romania, I speak My word into your midst, but
the man of the church, who is supposed to receive Me, does not receive Me; he says that I am the
dead. I am not the dead. I am the Lord; the Lord of the prophets and of the righteous and of those
who believe in the Lord. The church says that I am the dead who speaks. But who is it speaking
to? The entire service, which it speaks with God and with the saints does it mean speaking with
the dead? The saints, who took the heaven and the Lord as home and land, are the dead that
the people of the church speak with? All the church services are words to the Lord and to the
saints; it is not speaking to the dead, as the saints are not dead. The living speak with the saints
into their prayers and send the saints to Me to receive from Me for those that are living in
their bodies. If all the prayers of the church speak with the Lord and with the saints, shall